Battles are inevitable; however, victory is assured for the Believer. Our
victory comes from our knowledge of, and confidence in, God and His
Word. The leadership of the Holy Spirit, and the specific instructions
He gives us concerning the battles we are facing, will cause us to be
A. Our victory is based on our knowledge of God.
1. Our victory is obtained through spending time in the Word of God.
2. What is on the inside of you will determine the degree of victory you experience in your life.
a. A lack of the Word inside you will determine your defeat.
b. When your Word level is low, you will be more prone to make bad decisions.
c. The Word of God provides spiritual strength, just like food provides strength for your physical body.
d. Knowledge induces strength, and strength produces victory.
3. God will always cause us to triumph (2 Corinthians 2:14).
B. The leadership of the Holy Spirit is responsible for our victory in battle.
1. We have been equipped with the spirit of might.
2. Might is the anointing needed for battle (Psalm 24:7, 8).
3. Knowledge of God’s Word activates the spirit of might.
4. Those who have intimate knowledge of God will be able to do exploits (Daniel 11:32).
a. Exploits are things that are not possible to accomplish in our own ability.
5. The Holy Spirit was sent to lead and guide us into our inheritance (1 Corinthians 2:9, 10).
a. The Holy Spirit will reveal to us the blessings we have a right to.
b. He will lead us into victory.
c. We must have intimate knowledge of God’s Word and allow the Holy Spirit to speak specific instructions to us.
d. Our principle way of escape has its roots in what the Lord has spoken.
C. Confidence is a key to victory (Hebrews 10:32).
1. As confidence rises, you can assume an offensive position against the enemy.
2. You must know who you are in Christ.
3. The victory that overcomes the world is your faith.
a. Enter the battle from a position of victory, with confidence in God’s ability to bring you out as the winner.Scripture References:
- 2 Corinthians 2:14
- Psalm 24:7, 8
- Daniel 11:32
- 1 Corinthians 2:9, 10
- Hebrews 10:32