
When the praises go up, the blessings come down. Praise and worship ushers in the presence of God. He inhabits the praises of His people! When you
minister to Him through praise, get ready for a breakthrough!

  1. Ministering to the Lord is defined as the prayer of praise and worship (Acts 13:1-4, AMP).
    1. When you minister to the Lord without an agenda, you position yourself for His deliverance.
      1. Learn how to praise God for the small things.
      2. You were created to fellowship with God, cultivate a personal relationship with Him, and minister to the Lord.
    2. Paul and Silas were severely beaten for delivering a demon-possessed slave girl (Acts 16:22).
      1. They were beaten, thrown in jail, and their feet were fastened to stocks.
        1. In pain from the beating, Paul and Silas could have chosen to complain, but they didn't.
        2. Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises to God so loudly the other prisoners heard them. They demonstrated faith by praising God in the midst of
          their trouble.
        3. They believed God would answer their prayers.
        4. Those who pray, believing God will answer, enter into His rest.
      2. When you pray, believe you have received what you asked for (Matthew 21:22).
    3. Ministering to the Lord was done in the early church (Luke 24:50-53, Acts 2:44-47).

  2. Jehoshaphat's defeat of the Moabites and Ammonites is a perfect example of great deliverance breaking through after praise (2 Chronicles 20:1-25).
    1. God not only delivered His people from a mighty army, but He blessed them with great wealth, gathered from the spoil of their enemies.

Scripture References:

  • Acts 13:1-4, AMP
  • Acts 16:22
  • Matthew 21:22
  • Luke 24:50-53
  • Acts 2:44-47
  • 2 Chronicles 20:1-25
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