
What do you do when you have initiated a faith action but haven’t seen results? If you become skillful in waiting with patient endurance, there will never be a time when you won’t see a
harvest from the seeds you have sown in faith. Just as a farmer must
wait after sowing his field before harvesting his crop, so there is a
process to faith that demands a period of waiting before harvest time.



  1. There is a time for things to happen (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8).

    1. Don’t make the mistake of doing things outside of God’s timing.

      1. Example: People were praying for Peter’s release from jail. After he was freed and came knocking at their door, they were too busy praying to receive
        him. The time for prayer was over—it was time to receive (Acts

    2. To avoid frustration and the temptation to quit, remember that there is a due season and an appointed time for every harvest.

    3. In Mark 4:26-29, Jesus compares God’s kingdom to a man’s sowing of seeds, thereby demonstrating the law of progression.

      1. The law of progression is “first the blade, then the ear and finally the full ear of corn.” Once the progression has concluded, prepare your sickle for the harvest.
      2. For any harvest, someone must first cast his seed into the ground. He must continue to be attentive to his daily responsibilities as well as to his
        crop. The farmer understands the progression of his seed. Once it is
        sown, he knows his crop should grow.

      3. Like a farmer, you sow seed through your confession of the Word and actions. As long as you don’t dig it up, your seed will grow and produce a
        mighty harvest.

  2. The three stages of the law of progression: blade time, stalk time and harvest time.

    1. Blade time—you await the first evidence of growth.

      1. After the farmer sows it, the seed is out of his control; it looks like nothing is happening.

      2. During this barren season, patience is crucial. You can’t succeed in blade time without patience.

      3. The farmer has an image of what is to come. You should have a picture of your harvest before you even plant seed in the ground.

      4. Patience is often defined as “putting up with.” The Bible defines patience as “to hold steady; to be consistently, constantly the same.”

      5. Patience will cause you to obtain the promise and bring forth fruit (Hebrews 6:12, 15; Luke 8:15).

      6. There will be a time with no physical evidence to motivate you, only God’s Word.

      7. Blade time can be detrimental to a harvest, because Christians are tempted to consume the sprout.

    2. Stalk time—a tender sprout turns into a rough, rigid stalk (Mark 4:28).

      1. This is the longest time for waiting.

      2. This stage separates the believers who know God’s Word is true from those who hope His Word is true.

      3. Many believers quit during this time.

      4. God wants you to be His distribution center.

    3. Harvest time—the full ear of corn.

      1. God said that while the earth remains, the process of seedtime (patience) and harvest would remain (Genesis 8:22).

  3. Combat the temptation to quit with God’s Word.

    1. Galatians 6:7-10 tells you not to be deceived. God said that you would reap a harvest from whatever you sow. Because you know He’s not a liar, you can
      believe and know that His promises will come to pass.

      1. Deception says that you have to see it for it to be true. Know that the seed grows down deep before it grows up to where it can be seen.

      2. Patience and character are developed during this time.

      3. Don’t be weary in well doing or lose heart and courage (verse 9).

    2. The Devil will attack your mind with negative suggestions and thoughts.

    3. “Fainting” takes place in your mind before it happens in your life (Hebrews 12:1-3).

    4. Don’t fight thoughts with thoughts. You must fight thoughts with words—open your mouth and speak God’s Word aloud. You must know the Word before you can say it.

  4. Defeat the temptation to quit by learning how to wait on the Lord.

    1. Though what you are praying for may tarry, wait for it because it will come (Habakkuk 2:3).

      1. It’s not a matter of the Word not working; it’s a matter of timing.

    2. By waiting, you’ll receive your promise in due season (Psalm 145:15; Psalm 104:27; Job 14:14).

    3. The Bible says that if you wait on the Lord, you will inherit the earth (Psalm 37:9, 34).

    4. How do you wait on the Lord? Waiting doesn’t mean you remain idle. It’s being like a waiter in a restaurant—giving Him your complete attention
      and service.

      1. Waiting means “to serve God with worship and praise; to practice His presence.”

      2. Learn to praise Him during blade time and stalk time.

    5. They that wait (praise, brighten up, shout and turn around) on the Lord will have their strength renewed; they will be mounted on wings like eagles
      and run without weariness (Isaiah 40:28-31).

    6. The key to being successful during stalk time is to ensure that your attitude is protected—act like the crop has already been harvested, and
      begin to praise God, no matter what the situation looks like. Stir
      yourself up!

Scripture References:

  • Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
  • Mark 4:26-29
  • Hebrews 6:12, 15
  • Luke 8:15
  • Mark 4:28
  • Genesis 8:22
  • Acts 12:12-16
  • Galatians 6:7-10
  • Hebrews 12:1-3
  • Habakkuk 2:3
  • Psalm 145:15
  • Psalm 104:27
  • Job 14:14
  • Psalm 37:9, 34
  • Isaiah 40:28-31

Pastor Robert Bagonza

Redeemed Church