Understanding and Living the Life of Faith: What Is Faith? (Part 3)
Posted by Robert Bagonza on Thursday, September 23, 2010
Faith is the Believer’s way of life. Therefore, we must learn how to properly
activate our faith. Many Believers make life-altering mistakes simply
because they act in a way that does not correspond with their faith. To
avoid foolish presumption, we must be sure our corresponding action
does not cause harm to ourselves or anyone else. Therefore, it is
imperative that we receive full understanding of how to correctly act
in faith.
- There are rules that govern the right type of faith actions (James 2:14-17).
- Without full manifestation of our faith, we cannot have the correct corresponding action.
- We can only act in faith using what has actually manifested in our lives.
- Doing anything that brings harm to ourselves or others is not faith, it is foolishness.
- Our faith without the right corresponding action is dead.
- For example, if someone is without food or clothes, it does not benefit them for us to say in faith, “Be warm and clothed.”
- We must help them by giving them actual clothing and food if it is in our power to do so.
- We should continue to be confident in Philippians 4:19 which says, God will supply our needs.
- However, we should not write bad checks to pay our bills because we believe God is going to miraculously deposit the money in our bank accounts before the checks are cashed.
- This is similar to attempting to lift weights that are much too heavy for us.
- Muscles and strength have to be developed, and so does faith.
- Without full manifestation of our faith, we cannot have the correct corresponding action.
- How do we develop our faith enough to handle more spiritual “weight”?
- We do what is necessary in the natural realm, while developing our faith.
- Finding a scripture to match a situation is just the beginning of the process.
- It takes time to develop faith.
- Let us compare the planting of the Word in our hearts to the planting of corn seed (Mark 4:26-29).
- The process works by the Law of Progression.
- Receiving the harvest is a process that cannot be stopped.
- The harvest must not be uprooted too soon.
- We must be able to recognize our full harvest.
- Uprooting our harvest before it has a chance to fully grow and develop will leave us with nothing.
- Do not eat the beginnings of the harvest; keep nourishing the seed.
- Do not mistake the beginnings of your harvest for the full manifestation.
- Continue to speak and praise God for what you believe you have received.
- When the ten lepers received their healing from Jesus, they did not
allow the process to run its course. They ignored Jesus’ complete
instructions once they saw some results (Luke 17:13-19).
- These men failed to receive full restoration because they did not fully obey what Jesus told them to do.
- One leper did obey; he came back and thanked Jesus.
- This man received total restoration.
- Some people hear the Word and get results, while others hear the same Word and have no results.
- This happens because some people mix the Word with faith and some do not (Hebrews 4:2)
- Our tongue is the “mixer”; when we hear the Word, we must agree with it and confess it.
- Jesus said if you have faith, you will say what you believe (Matthew 17:20).
- This happens because some people mix the Word with faith and some do not (Hebrews 4:2)
- How do we grow the Word in our hearts?
- By saying in confidence what we believe, according to the Word.
- Speaking our faith is a corresponding action.
- Just like corn seed must be taken care of, so does the Word we are growing in our hearts.
- We must be committed farmers and nourish our seeds (the Word we plant in our hearts).
- Just as we would guard our corn seeds against pests and damage; we must guard our hearts.
- Damaging ideas and concepts get in our hearts through our eyes and ears, and by what comes out of our mouths.
- We must keep watch of what we are looking at, listening to, and speaking.
- Definitions of faith
- Faith is acting out on the Word of God that you believe.
- Faith is the substance of the things we hope for and the evidence of the things we do not see (Hebrews 11:1).
- Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17).
- Faith is our confidence, assurance, and confirmation of what we do not yet see.
- When a person lacks confidence, they lack what it takes to be a winner in life.
- Satan always attacks our confidence in God’s Word.
- Faith is the substance of the things we hope for and the evidence of the things we do not see (Hebrews 11:1).
- Faith is acting out on the Word of God that you believe.
Scripture References:
- James 2:14-17
- Mark 4:26-29
- Luke 17:13-19
- Hebrews 4:2
- Matthew 17:20
- Hebrews 11:1
- Romans 10:17