Posted by Robert Bagonza on Sunday, September 26, 2010
Redeemed Church
There are two kinds of faith: the faith of Thomas and the faith of
Abraham. Faith that relies on physical evidence is the lowest kind of
Faith based solely on what God said in His Word is the highest kind of
faith. There is a faith formula Believers can follow to get from the
problem to victory every time.
- There are two kinds of faith in the Bible.
- Thomas only believed Jesus had risen when he had physical evidence (John 20:24-29).
- The lowest level of faith has to have physical evidence in order to believe.
- Jesus says those who believe without seeing will walk in the blessing (v. 29).
- God calls those things that be not as though they were (Romans 4:17-22).
- All Abraham had was God's promise. There was nothing in the natural that supported his faith. (vs. 18-22).
- The highest level of faith only relies on what God promised, regardless of outward negative circumstances.
- Thomas only believed Jesus had risen when he had physical evidence (John 20:24-29).
- Christians are already redeemed from the curse of the law through Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:13, 14).
- Christians are no longer under the curse of poverty, bondage, sickness and sin.
- Jesus paid for our freedom.
- Christians have the blessing of Abraham.
- This blessing is threefold: spiritual, physical (health and healing), and material (financial).
- Believers are heirs to the promise of blessing (Galatians 3:29).
- You have the root to every outward manifestation of the blessing.
- Put your faith and confidence in the promises of redemption and blessing.
- It does not matter what things look like outwardly.
- It does not matter what things look like outwardly.
- Christians are no longer under the curse of poverty, bondage, sickness and sin.
- Based on your redemption in Christ, release your faith by speaking the Word, regardless of negative sense realm facts.
- Adjust your thinking. How you feel does not determine your success.
- Your belief that God heard and answered your prayer shouldn't be based on your feelings.
- You know God heard and answered your prayer because you prayed according to the Word.
- Your faith in healing shouldn't be based on whether or not you feel pain.
- You are already healed according to the Word, and you're protecting your health.
- You're not poor trying to get rich. The Word declares you're already prosperous.
- You're not in bondage to sin trying to get free. The Word declares you've already been freed from sin.
- Your belief that God heard and answered your prayer shouldn't be based on your feelings.
- Christians are to walk by faith; focus their lives on what God said in His Word (2 Corinthians 5:7).
- What are you looking at, the promise or the circumstance?
- Paul knew the real man was the spirit man (1 Corinthians 9:27).
- He put his focus on God's Word and lived his life from the inside out.
- You are empowered to fail when you put your confidence and focus on the physical realm (Jeremiah 17:5).
- Adjust your thinking. How you feel does not determine your success.
- The faith formula Abraham followed is available to all Believers.
- Abraham got God's promise for what he wanted to happen.
- You have to get a specific promise from God's Word for what you want to have.
- The Word is seed, and you must plant specific scriptures in your heart for what you want to grow.
- Abraham believed God's Word.
- Abraham didn't consider contradictory circumstances.
- Abraham gave praise to God.
- Abraham got God's promise for what he wanted to happen.
Scripture References:
- John 20:24-29
- Romans 4:17-22
- Galatians 3:13, 14
- Galatians 3:29
- 2 Corinthians 5:7
- 1 Corinthians 9:27
- Jeremiah 17:5
Redeemed Church