Posted by Robert Bagonza on Sunday, September 26, 2010
The battle of faith is against sense-knowledge truth or reasoning.
Sense-knowledge truth is fact, but the Word of God is truth that
changes the facts. You are empowered to fail, or prosper depending on
which truth you accept. If you’re not standing on the truth of God’s
Word, you’re standing on sense-knowledge truth.
- There are two kinds of truth.
- Truth from God’s Word.
- Sense-knowledge truth, or truth that comes from your physical senses.
- Sense-knowledge truth is fact.
- . The Word of God is truth.
- The battle of faith is against sense-knowledge truth, or reasoning.
- Faith’s worse enemy is reasoning.
- Christians are to fight the good fight of faith (1 Timothy 6:12).
- The Word of God is your only weapon in the fight of faith.
- The truth of God’s Word will change the facts of sense-knowledge truth.
- Facts are subject to change.
- Truth is eternal; it never changes.
- Faith people are not moved by sense-knowledge truth.
- Faith people are moved by the Word of God.
- Faith people believe the Word, and speak it.
- You are blessed.
- The blessing will cause sense-knowledge truth or facts, to line up with the truth of God’s Word.
- Rest in the finished work and allow the blessing to work in your life.
- The blessing is not permitted to work, until you cease from your work.
- Whether you are empowered to fail or prosper is determined by which truth you accept (Psalm 1:1-6).
- You are blessed, or empowered to prosper, when you don’t walk in the counsel of ungodly people.
- Ungodly people live by sense-knowledge truth.
- When you choose the counsel of godly people, you will flourish in every area of your life.
- Godly people live by the truth of God’s Word.
- When you walk in the counsel of ungodly people, you are empowered to fail.
- You are cursed when the Word of God departs from your heart and you put your trust in man (Jeremiah 17:5).
- You are blessed, or empowered to prosper, when you don’t walk in the counsel of ungodly people.
- The truth of the Word of God sanctifies or separates you from the world (John 17:14-17).
- The Word is what makes the distinction between Christians and the world.
- Don’t allow ungodly influences to move you from the Word.
- If you’re not standing on God’s Word, you’re standing on sense-knowledge truth.
- Your harvest from the promise is eternal.
- When you were born again, you became a child “of the promise” (Galatians 4:21-28).
- You’re no longer under the old covenant of the law or bondage.
- 1 Timothy 6:12
- Psalm 1:1-6
- Jeremiah 17:5
- John 17:14-17
- Galatians 4:21-2
Redeemed Church