
Many people love and believe God, but few trust Him. There is a difference between faith and trust; while you may be operating in faith, you may not be operating in trust. The man who
learns to trust God will be anointed, empowered and blessed.



  1. Trusting God is a key to your prosperity.
    1. The man who puts his trust in God is blessed (Jeremiah 17:7).
      1. Trusting God makes for a successful, whole and profitable life.

    2. You must be totally dependent on God.

    3. It takes trust to make your prosperity—healing, wholeness, deliverance, soundness and financial success—complete.

  2. Trusting God does not dismiss the need for obeying natural laws.
    1. It takes the super, plus the natural, to equal abundant living (super + natural = abundance).

    2. God must have a natural channel through which He can manifest every spiritual truth.
      1. Example: Your job is one channel God uses to bring blessings to you.

      2. Example: God can also use your relationships to flow His blessings to you (Luke 6:38).
    3. You can’t ignore natural laws and then try to grab hold of spiritual laws; God originated both.

    4. Doing things in the natural does not violate your trust in God—if your trust is in God and not in man.
      1. Example: Taking medicine or going to the doctor does not necessarily violate your trust in God; however, are you trusting them, or are you trusting
        God to heal you by using them?
    5. You must add corresponding action (in the natural realm) to your faith to manifest spiritual truths.
      1. You can’t believe God for favor to get a job if you’ve never left your house to apply for one.
    6. You must know the difference between God using a man to bless you and your trusting in man (Jeremiah 17:5, AMP).
      1. If you don’t have any scriptures to stand on, you are not trusting in God.

      2. If you sow offerings but never enjoy God’s blessing and continue to experience insufficiency, your trust may be in your paycheck and not in
        God (Haggai 1:5-7).

  3. Trusting God is the highway to a triumphant life (Psalm 34:8).
    1. The only way you can successfully “take no thought for your life” is to trust God; then everything else will be added to you (Matthew 6:25-33).

    2. Every spiritual blessing that leads to abundant life requires both your doing your part and God doing His.

    3. Because you trust in God, you will not be condemned or held guilty in life (Psalm 34:22, AMP).
  4. Faith and trust are two different things.
    1. Faith is “an expression of confidence in God and His Word”; trust is “commitment.”

    2. Faith breeds confidence, while trust breeds commitment.

    3. Faith is the beginning level of your Christian life, whereas trust is the highest level.

    4. Faith can fail (Luke 22:32); trust, like Mount Zion, can’t be removed and stands fast forever (Psalm 125:1).

    5. Your faith, or confidence, can be cast away (Hebrews 10:35) if the conflict is too heavy; trust causes you to outlast every conflict every
      1. If the situation or circumstances get too hard, they dampen your confidence, causing you to cast it away—without confidence, your faith will fail.

      2. Nothing can move you when your trust is in God.
    6. Faith believes that God can do what He promises; trust says, “Even if God doesn’t do it, my position remains the same.”
      1. The three Hebrew children trusted God. They knew God could save them, but they wouldn’t worship the king’s golden image even if God didn’t save them (Daniel 3:16-18).
    7. Trust is like a tree that’s been planted—it’s not going anywhere whether it’s raining, sunny or snowing. It’s committed and it will bear

  5. Once you learn to trust God, you must learn to rest in Him.
    1. God only fights once you take your rest. Your rest provokes divine intervention (Exodus 14:14, AMP).
      1. God’s part is to fight the battle; your part is to rest.

      2. You must labor to enter into the rest of God (Hebrews 4:11). Rest is not a call for inaction, but trust.

    2. Even though you are resting in God, you must still do corresponding actions that complement that rest.

    3. You know you are at rest when no circumstance can cause you to waver from what you know God is doing.
      1. Stay away from people who have only negative things to say.
  6. When you trust God, you become unbeatable in life.
    1. Whatever you put in God’s hands is secure.

    2. You must know that the power of God is working in you and for you!

Scripture References:

  • Jeremiah 17:7
  • Psalm 34:8
  • Psalm 34:22, AMP
  • Jeremiah 17:5, AMP
  • Haggai 1:5-7
  • Luke 22:32
  • Hebrew 10:35
  • Psalm 125:1
  • Exodus 14:14, AMP
  • 2 Chronicles 20:17
  • Psalm 46:10, 11
  • Matthew 6:25-33
  • Daniel 3:16-18
  • Hebrews 4:11
  • Luke 6:38

Pastor Robert Bagonza

Redeemed Church