In the Book of Luke, Jesus' disciples asked Him to teach
them how to pray like John taught his disciples. These men knew a very
important truth about prayer-that it should be taught. No one is born
with the knowledge of how to pray; it is learned through the teaching of
God's Word. The Holy Spirit, Who is a Teacher, also helps us in our
prayer time.
A.Jesus gives us an outline by which we pray (Matthew 6:9-13).
1.The Lord's Prayer is the outline of a model prayer with six topics.
B.Topic #1: Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name.
1.To hallow something means to adore, set apart, praise, and sanctify it.
a.When we say, Our Father we are declaring we are children of God.
b.Enter into His presence, acknowledging and establishing who He is.
c.The Names of God.
i.Jehovah Tsidkenu, Our Righteousness.
ii.Jehovah M'Kaddesh, Our Sanctifier. iii. Jehovah Shalom, Our Peace.
iii.Jehovah Shammah, The Ever-Present One.
d.Jehovah Rophe, Our Healer.
e.Jehovah Jireh, Our Provider. vii. Jehovah Nissi, Our Banner. viii. Jehovah Ro'i, Our Shepherd.
C.Topic #2: Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.
1.Establish the Kingdom of God through prayer and confession.
a.When the tongue agrees with the spirit, the course of life is set (James 3:3-5).
b.Jesus is the King of God's Kingdom; therefore allow Him to rule in your life.
c.According to Romans 14:17, the Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.
d.The Kingdom of God is His presence.
i.It is not in word only, but in power (1 Corinthians 4:20).
ii.This power produces God's righteousness, peace, and joy in our hearts.
e.We should pray, let your righteousness, peace, and joy be in me today.
2.Four major areas you establish the Kingdom of God:
a.. Yourself.
i.You cannot be effective in your prayer life until you conquer yourself first.
ii.The prayers of a righteous man avail much. iii. Ask that God's Kingdom and His will for you be set in your spirit.
iii.Ask for divine wisdom and revelation.
b.Pray in the spirit over your concerns; spirit, soul, and body.
the Holy Spirit to empower you with ability, efficiency, and might.
vii. Continue to pray in the spirit until you have the peace of God that
everything has been established.
d.Your family.
i.Pray that righteousness, peace, and joy will rule your mate's life.
ii.Pray over your children and their mates or their future mates. iii. Pray they will not get out of God's will for their lives.
iii.Pray over your children's future; treasure in your heart what you receive from God.
e.Petition the Lord to bring other family members and their concerns to your mind.
f.Pray in the spirit until you have peace.
g.Your church.
i.Pray for the pastor that he or she will have a shepherd's heart (that God speaks to and will anoint him or her).
over the needs of the church's leadership (call their names out in
prayer). iii. Pray for the people who are doing the work of the
iii.Pray for the success of various groups and objectives;
pray they will breathe in through fellowship and breathe out through
h.Pray members will be faithful and fruitful.
members are faithful to their families, the vision of the church, the
Word of God, tithing, giving, serving, and remaining where they are
called to be. vii. Pray for the harvest of souls (Isaiah 43:4-6) viii.
Pray the Holy Spirit will repel those who do not belong at your church
and draw those who do.
1.Speak to the powers and principalities of darkness that hold the reigns in certain areas.
j.The nation.
i.Pray for the president; that he will have the wisdom of God.
for all leaders in government; that they will have the wisdom of God.
iii. Pray for divine protection over our president's life.
iii.Call the nation's leaders out by name.
k.Passionately intercede for your country.
l.Pray for the nation of Israel. vii. Petition God to place other nations on your heart for which to pray.
Scripture References:
•Matthew 6:9-13
•James 3:3-5
•1 Corinthians 4:20
•Isaiah 43:4-6