Posted by Robert Bagonza on Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Having a religious mindset that doesn’t align itself with God’s Word is just as dangerous as walking in the flesh, or
thinking carnally. Religion says that you must put up with whatever the
Devil throws at you; however, God’s Word says that believers have the
authority to tell the Devil to flee.
- The value of our authority rests on the power behind our authority—God.
- Jesus anointed 70 people to cast out devils and heal the sick (Luke 10:1, 17-20). The 70 returned with joy.
- Jesus’ authority has absolute mastery over demonic forces and over all the strength and ability of the Enemy (verse 19).
- Jesus told the 70 not to rejoice because the devils were subject to His
name (authority), but because their names were written in heaven.
- Although they were not yet born again (as Jesus had not yet died and risen), Jesus gave them the authority to use His name.
- When Jesus was raised up to sit at God’s right hand, His body
(born-again Christians) was also raised and given His authority
(Ephesians 1:19-2:10).
- Your name must be written in heaven for you to use the authority in Jesus’ name.
- You have the power to cast out devils and to command Satan to leave.
- You must first claim, and then exercise, the authority that God has given you.
- Authority is “delegated power; that which belonged to someone else that is given to you.”
- Example: A police officer cannot stop a car in his own strength. When in
uniform, he is backed by the city or state government; it is then that
he has the power, or authority, to stop a car with one gesture.
- Example: A police officer cannot stop a car in his own strength. When in
uniform, he is backed by the city or state government; it is then that
- The authority doesn’t come from you, but from God (Ephesians 6:10).
- Don’t question your worthiness to use the power; Jesus has authorized you to do it through His strength, not yours.
- You must know about the authority that you have in order to exercise it.
- If you don’t know your authority, the Devil will devour you (1 Peter 5:8-9).
- Only a person who has the Spirit of God in him is authorized to release God’s power.
- Jesus anointed 70 people to cast out devils and heal the sick (Luke 10:1, 17-20). The 70 returned with joy.
- What right do you have to exercise this authority?
- You are of God and come from the God-class; you are one of His children.
- You are greater than anyone who is of the world, because you have Him in you (1 John 4:4).
- You aren’t great because of your ability, but because of His ability.
- Jesus has all the power and authority (Matthew 28:18-20).
- When He ascended to heaven, He delegated His power to the church.
- The source of your authority comes from Jesus’ resurrection (Ephesians 1:18-23; 2:1-7).
- Don’t stay at the cross—it is a symbol of defeat. Resurrection is the
sign of life and victory; we are now seated at the right hand of the
throne. - Jesus died—we were dead; Jesus rose from the dead—we were made alive; when Jesus sat down at the right hand of the throne of
God, so did we.
- He did this so that while we are still on the earth He could show us how good it is to be seated with Him in heavenly places.
- Jesus is the Head; we, the church, are His body (1 Corinthians 12:12-14, 27).
- Don’t stay at the cross—it is a symbol of defeat. Resurrection is the
sign of life and victory; we are now seated at the right hand of the
- The believer is like Christ and has His authority (2 Corinthians 6:14-15).
- We are one with Christ (1 Corinthians 6:17).
- We have been given power to reign with Him (Romans 5:17).
- Once you take your seat with Jesus, you don’t have to be defeated any more.
Scripture References:
- Luke 10:1, 17-20
- Ephesians 1:19-2:10
- Ephesians 6:10
- 1 Peter 5:8-9
- 1 John 4:4
- Matthew 28:18-20
- Ephesians 1:18-23
- 1 Corinthians 12:12-14, 27
- 2 Corinthians 6:14-15
- 1 Corinthians 6:17
- Romans 5:17
Pastor Robert Bagonza
Redeemed Church