Why is the blood of Jesus so precious? Because it has redeemed us
from poverty, sickness, and spiritual death. Before Jesus shed his
blood, we
were subject to the curse of the law found in the first five books of
the Bible. However, our redemption was purchased through the blood of
Jesus. The price of Jesus’ blood has eternal value and significance.
A. Seven reasons why the blood of Jesus is precious:
1. It has redeeming power.
2. It has cleansing power.
3. It has pacifying power.
4. It has reconciling power.
5. It has emboldening power.
a. The
blood has the ability to produce boldness. Boldness is having
confidence to come to God, without a sense of guilt or condemnation.
b. The blood of Jesus grants us access into the presence of God (Hebrews 10:19, AMP).
c. We are not in right standing with God because of our good deeds, but only by the blood of Jesus.
d. Those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted (Luke 18:9-14, AMP).
e. Satan will constantly remind us of the wrong things we have done.
f. However, God says He will blot out our sins and forget about them (Isaiah 43:25, 26).
g. God says, “Put me in remembrance…”
h. We can let Him know what we want Him to remember about us, according to His Word.
6. The blood of Jesus has overcoming power.
a. We overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony (Revelations 12:11).
7. The blood of Jesus has song-inspiring power.
a. It will inspire a new song in our hearts (Revelation 5:9).
Scripture References:
- Hebrews 10:19, AMP
- Luke 18:9-14, AMP
- Isaiah 43:25-26
- Revelation 12:11
- Revelation 5:9