Posted by Robert Bagonza on Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Words are spiritual containers that become physical things. You have the power to bring good or bad things to pass by the words you speak.
- In Hebrew, the word dabar is translated as things or words (1 Samuel 3:17).
- In the Bible, the words "words" and "things" are used interchangeably, meaning words are things and words become things.
- Dabar is a tool given by God so that humans can walk in their dominion.
- Words have consequences (Proverbs 18:20-21).
- When you speak words, you speak things into existence.
- You can frame your world by the words you speak.
- Faith is the Word of God, which is the substance of things hoped for (Hebrews 11:1-3).
- Things are heard before they are seen.
- Things are heard before they are seen.
- In the Bible, the words "words" and "things" are used interchangeably, meaning words are things and words become things.
- Satan does not have the authority to use words to rule in the earth (Isaiah 14:12-15).
- You have the right to use God's Word to bring His will to pass.
- God created you in His image and likeness.
- Just as He spoke the entire universe into existence, you can create your world.
- Satan thought that he had the same creative ability when he said, "I will
exalt my throne above the stars of God." Later, he realized that God
only gave this power to humans. - Satan's plan is to persuade people to speak his words of fear and doubt to cause chaos in the earth.
- His first attempt to rule in man's authority was in the Garden of Eden.
- He is still trying to get people to turn their authority over to him by
persuading them to speak what they see instead of what they believe.
- The children of Israel spoke fear and doubt when they complained
continually about their uncomfortable circumstances in the wilderness
(Numbers 14:26-27).- People who murmur and complain are considered evil in God's sight.
- A murmur is a compliant in a low voice, almost like a grumble.
- To complain is to express grief, pain and discontent.
- As a result of the Israelites' irate behavior, many of them died in the wilderness.
- The Israelites' negative words framed their lives.
- They were unaware of the power their words had in the kingdom of God.
- They constantly doubted God, and they despised Moses, complaining that he brought them to the wilderness to die.
- Their words became their reality.
- Whatever you say will be done to you exactly the way you say it (Psalm 106:28-33).
- People who murmur and complain are considered evil in God's sight.
- Moses' failure to use the power of words prevented him from entering the promised land (Numbers 20:8-12).
- God told Moses to speak to a rock to get the water to flow, and He wanted him to do it in the presence of the Israelites.
- Out of his anger toward the people, Moses disobeyed God and hit the rock twice with His shepherd's rod.
- If Moses had spoken to the rock as God had instructed, he would have sanctified God in the eyes of the people.
- God wanted to show the children of Israel that His power was not in Moses' rod, but in Moses' words.
- Jesus demonstrated the power of words in Matthew 21:19, when He cursed the fig tree.
- When He discovered that the tree did not have any fruit on it, He said, "Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward forever," and the tree immediately withered away.
- Jesus told the disciples that they could do the same things He could do and greater works if they had faith and did not doubt.
Scripture References:
- 1 Samuel 3:17
- Proverbs 18:20-21
- Hebrews 11:1-3
- Isaiah 14:12-15
- Numbers 14:26-27
- Psalm 106:28-33
- Numbers 20:8-12
- Matthew 21:19
Redeemed Church