Posted by Robert Bagonza on Sunday, September 26, 2010
God gave mankind two gifts—dominion and seed. Mankind has dominion and
authority over every living thing. In the beginning was the Word, and
the Word became seed. God created the system of seedtime and harvest
with His Words. The Word of God is 66 books of seed. If we plant the
seed of the Word in our hearts, it becomes rooted. Then we can grow
whatever we need from the Word.
- Everything starts with a seed (Genesis 1:11, 12).
- Mankind was made in the image of God.
- People are made in God's image and they have dominion on Earth.
- God gave mankind seed (Luke 8:11).
- God will give increase whatever is planted (1 Corinthians 3:6, 7).
- The seed of the Word has to be watered (acted upon and attended to).
- The Word has to be rooted in your heart.
- For the Word to be rooted in your heart, you will have to spend time meditating on it.
- Guard your mind against anything that contradicts the Word.
- If someone is able to talk you out of it, it's not rooted in your heart.
- Avoid speaking contrary to what is planted on the inside of you.
- Mankind was made in the image of God.
- God made a covenant with the sower; He provides seed for the sower (2 Corinthians 9:10).
- God increases the seeds planted in the right place (Psalm 107:37).
- One can't experience increase without seed.
- The seed of the spirit world is the Word.
- God and His Word are one.
- In the beginning was the Word, and without the Word, nothing was made (John 1:1).
- Those who are born-again are born-again by incorruptible seed (1 Peter 1:23).
- One can't experience increase without seed.
- God increases the seeds planted in the right place (Psalm 107:37).
- Give and it shall be given (Luke 6:38).
- Get revelation of the word "it" by planting this scripture concerning your finances.
- Whatever you give, you will receive in good measure.
- A good example is the story of Elijah and the widow (1 Kings 17:10-24).
- The widow woman obeyed the prophet and gave, then had plenty.
- She also received the miracle of having her son raised from the dead.
- Get revelation of the word "it" by planting this scripture concerning your finances.
Scripture References:
- Genesis 1:11, 12
- Luke 8:11
- 1 Corinthians 3:6, 7
- 2 Corinthians 9:10
- Psalm 107:37
- John 1:1
- 1 Peter 1:23
- Luke 6:38
- 1 Kings 17:10-24
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