Posted by Robert Bagonza on Wednesday, October 6, 2010
What is in your heart will eventually come out. Keep yourself from sin by hiding the Word in your heart and guarding it.
When the temptation to sin comes, make declarations concerning the
issue you are facing as an indication that you have hidden the Word in
your heart.
- Your mouth is connected to your heart and what is in your heart determines whether a man is good or bad (Luke 6:43-45).
- What you continue to speak will be planted in your heart and will overwhelm your life.
- Habits and desires are created by where you focus your attention.
- Eventually you will believe what you continually speak and it will be born in your life.
- Nothing in life happens without a cause—good or bad.
- Whether a man is good or bad is determined by what is in his heart.
- A man is not good or bad based on his actions.
- What is in a man's heart will eventually be seen.
- Good treasure in a man's heart produces good fruit and makes that man good.
- Bad treasure in a man's heart produces bad fruit and makes that man bad.
- Your outcome in life is determined by your roots, or what is in your heart.
- Don't speak idle or empty words (Matthew 12:36).
- Idle words are words that have no meaning.
- For example: saying things you don't really mean, or saying things that aren't really in your heart.
- For example: saying things you don't really mean, or saying things that aren't really in your heart.
- Idle words are words that have no meaning.
- The Word must be in two places—your mouth and your heart (Romans 10:8).
- The Word works simultaneously in your mouth and your heart; it can't just be in one place.
- Don't think you have faith just because you know the scripture; it has to be in your heart.
- When the Word is in your heart, you have conceived it. Your mouth then releases the force of what you have conceived in your heart.
- Grow your faith by speaking the Word.
- In order to keep from missing the mark, you must hide the Word in your
heart and continually confess scripture concerning the area with which
you are challenged (Psalm 119:9-13).- Many times people continue missing the mark in a certain area even though they experience a level of success in overcoming for a period of time.
- You must deal with the root of the problem rather than the action itself.
- Willpower won't help you change your actions.
- You must operate the Kingdom of God process in order to change your actions.
- When you take heed to the Word of God, you will build boundaries around the Word in order to guard it.
- Cleanse your ways by building a fortress around the Word you've put in your heart.
- Hide the Word in your heart by continually speaking it and meditating on it.
- Don't let the devil, situations or circumstances talk you out of maintaining your stance on the Word.
- If you continually miss the mark, it means you have not put the Word in your heart and guarded it.
- Deliverance is an ongoing process, not a one-time event.
- You must never think that you can slack up on guarding your heart.
- When you are faced with a tempting situation, the identification that you've
hidden the Word in your heart is shown by the declarations you make
from the Word. - Grow your deliverance by speaking the Word.
- God doesn't tell you not to sin because He wants to spoil your fun, He just
knows that sin will destroy your confidence and take you down the wrong
path.- Seduction is designed to kill you and destroy your life.
- Satan will seduce you through your emotions and then use your emotions against you.
- In order to get free from addictive behaviors, you have to plant the seed
of God's Word in your heart concerning that area; give God something to
work with.- Any habit that you are struggling with is a heart issue; you have to change your thinking.
- Any habit that you are struggling with is a heart issue; you have to change your thinking.
- God looks at a person's heart (1 Samuel 16:7; Proverbs 16:2).
- God is looking at what is in your heart.
- Example: Looking at a woman is not a sin, but the issue lies in your heart; when
you looked at her, what was in your heart and what were you thinking
about? - To look at a person with lust in your heart is to miss the mark (Matthew 5:27).
- Example: Looking at a woman is not a sin, but the issue lies in your heart; when
you looked at her, what was in your heart and what were you thinking
- Don't deny your deliverance because of past mistakes and failures.
- A pure heart always wants to get it right and has no underhandedness in it.
- God looks at your roots.
- God is not your enemy, He wants to help you; ask Him for help.
- Don't use the phrase "God knows my heart" as an excuse to keep sinning; make sure that what is in your heart is indeed good.
- When the Word is hidden in your heart, whatever temptation is trying to come against you won't succeed.
- God weighs the thoughts and intents of your heart.
- Hide the Word by speaking it, putting it in your heart and allowing it to change your thinking.
- Don't let the enemy defeat you.
- Don't beat yourself up when you miss it.
- When you miss it, repent, which means to change your direction; turn away from that behavior.
- Don't let guilt and condemnation keep you from moving forward.
- God is looking at what is in your heart.
Scripture References:
- Luke 6:43-45
- Matthew 12:36
- Romans 10:8
- Psalm 119:9-13
- 1 Samuel 16:7
- Matthew 5:27
- Proverbs 16:2
Redeemed Church