Posted by Robert Bagonza on Monday, September 27, 2010
The blessing is the empowerment to prosper or excel in every area of your life. You have a right to partake of the
blessing by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. If you are
born again, you are already blessed; it is your heritage.
- If you are born again, you have already been blessed.
- God has already done everything He needs to do where the blessing is concerned.
- You are blessed through Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:3).
- The day you made Jesus the Lord of your life, the blessing was imparted into your life.
- Through a covenant with Abraham, God made the blessing available to mankind.
- The blessing is the root to the "fruit." It is the manifestation of the things you believe, need and desire.
- When the blessing is on your life, you will see it manifest outwardly.
- Don't desire the outward manifestations, but desire the blessing; if you have the blessing, the things you pray for and desire will come.
- Abraham's wife, Sarah, was barren, but because of the blessing, she was able to bear children and God called her the mother of nations (Genesis 17:16).
- The blessing on your life removes limitations.
- When the Lord is with you, you are blessed and will prosper.
- "All that Abraham had" included the blessing (Genesis 25:5).
- Abraham was blessed (Genesis 26:3).
- Obedience activates the blessing on your life.
- When the blessing is on your life, you will see it manifest outwardly.
- The blessing will cause you to acquire wealth.
- Isaac was blessed (Genesis 25:11).
- He sowed seed in a time of famine and drought, but his harvest was still tremendous because of the blessing on his life (Genesis 26:12-14).
- When you have the blessing on your life, circumstances and situations will not be able to stop the blessing from working for you.
- The blessing will increase your possessions.
- Unsaved people will see the blessing on your life because of your wealth (Genesis 26:27-28).
- The world will begin to envy you (Genesis 26:14).
- It is important that you disconnect from people who are operating under a curse.
- Who you are connected to will either result in a blessing or a curse.
- Connect with people who have the blessing, because the blessing on your life will increase by association.
- Jacob had the blessing on his life (Genesis 27:27-41; Genesis 28:3, 4; Genesis 31:1).
- Laban received increase because of his association with Jacob (Genesis 30:27-30, 40-43).
- Joseph was blessed and it was evident to Pharoah's officer (Genesis 39:1-6, 21-23).
- Because of the blessing on Joseph's life, he prospered in everything he did.
- Promotion comes because of the blessing on your life.
- Isaac was blessed (Genesis 25:11).
- As a Christian, you are a joint-heir with Jesus and are a partaker of the blessing.
- The blessing is part of your heritage (Isaiah 61:6-7).
- The blessing is on Jesus.
- Jesus blessed the children by speaking over them (Mark 10:16).
- God has spoken the blessing over you.
- As a Believer, through Jesus Christ, the blessing of Abraham has come on you; you are a joint-heir with Christ (Galatians 3:6-29).
- Jesus Christ has delivered you from the curse of the law, and you are blessed.
Scripture References:
- Ephesians 1:3
- Genesis 17:16
- Genesis 25:5
- Genesis 26:3
- Genesis 25:11
- Genesis 26:12-14
- Genesis 27:27-41
- Genesis 28:3, 4
- Genesis 31:1
- Genesis 30:27-30, 40-43
- Genesis 39:1-6, 21-23
- Isaiah 61:6, 7
- Mark 10:16
- Galatians 3:6-29
Redeemed Church