Posted by Robert Bagonza on Friday, September 24, 2010
Jesus was anointed to preach the Gospel to the poor. The good news delivers you from any area of lack. Believers must understand that it's God's
will for them to be free from poverty and lack. By developing
internally or spiritually in the Word and character of God, you will
eventually reflect an outward manifestation of physical prosperity.
- Jesus came to preach the Gospel, or the good news, to the poor (Luke 4:16-22).
- Jesus preached to people who were impoverished-the blind, the sick, the brokenhearted, the lame, and the poor.
- To be poor means to be lacking.
- Poverty is a curse meant to destroy the poor.
- To be poor means to be lacking.
- Jesus is the greatest prosperity preacher of all time.
- Jesus was anointed to preach the good news and announce the arrival of the free favor of God to the poor (v. 19).
- The good news is that you don't have to remain in lack.
- God is not a respecter of persons; He sent Jesus to preach peace to all men (Acts 10:34-38).
- Jesus' ministry then and now is to heal and deliver everyone who is oppressed.
- Oppression is being denied the right to control your future.
- The poor are oppressed by their poverty.
- Jesus' ministry then and now is to heal and deliver everyone who is oppressed.
- The answer for the poor man is to preach the Gospel (Luke 7:20-22).
- Jesus made the blind see, the lame walk, and raised the dead; but to the poor, Jesus preached the Gospel.
- The Gospel has to be preached because only Jesus' Words can deliver a man from an attitude of poverty.
- Jesus preached to people who were impoverished-the blind, the sick, the brokenhearted, the lame, and the poor.
- The poor must understand that prosperity is God's will.
- Before you can enjoy God's blessing of prosperity, you must understand prosperity is God's will.
- Throughout Scripture there is evidence that it's God's will to prosper His people.
- God prospered Adam in the Garden.
- God prospered Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
- God expressed His will for prosperity with the Children of Israel (Deuteronomy 8:1-18).
- God prospered the Children of Israel in the wilderness as He led them to the Promise Land-a land without lack.
- As long as they obeyed God and kept their hearts pure, they continued to prosper.
- God warned the Children of Israel not to forget how He'd delivered them once they prospered (v. 12-18).
- God is pleased when His people prosper (Psalm 35:27).
- John, who intimately knew Jesus, knew it was God's will to prosper (3 John 2).
- God is the same in the Old and New Testament; He has not changed His desire to see His people prosper.
- Your spiritual condition, or inward character, is responsible for your outward life of prosperity.
- God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings (Ephesians 1:3).
- Many have incorrectly taken this scripture to mean God only prospers spiritually.
- You cannot separate spiritual blessings from physical blessings; all physical things manifest from the spiritual realm.
- Where you are spiritually determines your physical prosperity.
- God's way is to prosper you spiritually first, then, physically (Matthew 6:33).
- An inward spiritual dilemma is usually the reason for lack of physical manifestation of prosperity.
- Being rich is not about principles; it's about your character.
- God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings (Ephesians 1:3).
Scripture References:
- Luke 4:16-22
- Acts 10:34-38
- Luke 7:20-22
- Deuteronomy 8:1-18
- Psalm 35:27
- 3 John 2
- Ephesians 1:3
- Matthew 6:33