Posted by Robert Bagonza on Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Fear will destroy your confidence and leave you powerless. Fear is based on selfishness, and Satan uses fear as a weapon against you. Without fear, the enemy can do nothing in your life. Examine yourself and identify your fears. Find out what God says about fear and make a decision to live by faith.
- Fear is a spirit that leads to destruction.
- God has not given us the spirit of fear but He has given us power, love and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).
- Fear destroys your confidence and causes you to forget who you are in Christ.
- When you allow fear to govern your life, you give Satan access to your affairs.
- Fear is often expressed in anger.
- Fear brings torment. iii. There is nothing Satan can do to a fearless Believer.
- God has not given us the spirit of fear but He has given us power, love and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).
- The fearful and unbelieving will have their part in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone (Revelation 21:6-8).
- Satan starts the process of destroying your life by making suggestions that contradict God's Word (Genesis 3:1-4).
- In the Garden of Eden, he convinced Adam and Eve they were missing out on something.
- They accepted Satan's words which opposed God's Word.
- The foundation of all fear is rooted in the misconception that God's promises are not true.
- When you ask Him for something, be sure you are not asking in fear (James 4:2, 3).
- God responds to faith, not fear.
- How to eliminate fear from your life:
- Knowledge of and faith in God's love will deliver you from fear (1 John 4:13).
- The Holy Spirit will reveal things to come (John 16:13).
- Most fear comes from uncertainty of the future.
- Plant the Word in your heart as a seed; your future is in that Word-seed.
- Fear comes from a sense of powerlessness over the future.
- Live by faith.
- Hear God's Word and obey.
- Fear is contaminated faith.
Scripture References:
- 2 Timothy 1:7
- Revelation 21:6-8
- Genesis 3:1-4
- James 4:2, 3
- 1 John 4:13
- John 16:13