Posted by Robert Bagonza on Friday, September 24, 2010
God is calling men to be faithful to their families. Faithfulness is a
fruit of the Spirit that all Believers possess. Fathers must imitate
God's everlasting faithfulness by being faithful in every area of their
- To honor your mother and father is a commandment from God (Ephesians 6:1-3, AMP).
- Honoring your mother and father means giving them authority to speak into your life, and then obeying them.
- God promises long life, and that all will be well with you when you honor your mother and father.
- Honor your heavenly Father by allowing Him to lead you in life.
- Parents are commanded to diligently teach their children the commandments of God (Deuteronomy 6:6-9, AMP).
- Teaching your children will take time and patience.
- Teaching your children will take time and patience.
- Honoring your mother and father means giving them authority to speak into your life, and then obeying them.
- God is calling men to be faithful in their roles as fathers and husbands.
- To operate in the fear of the Lord means to operate in His ways (Psalm 128:1-6).
- Faithfulness is a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22, AMP).
- Faithfulness is a continuous commitment.
- God's faithfulness has endured to every generation (Psalm 100:5).
- God is faithful to His Word (Matthew 24:35).
- Where two or three are gathered in His name, He is in the midst of them (Matthew 18:20).
- As you are filled with His Spirit, others will find in you reliability, trustworthiness, and endurance.
- Men of God are faithful, reliable, and not quitters.
- What is faithfulness?
- To follow through with a commitment regardless of the difficulties.
- Love enduring under any and every circumstance.
- Allowing the fruit of faithfulness to be born in you; never quitting.
- Jesus recognized the spirit of Satan operating through Peter (Matthew 16:21-23).
- Satan was trying to attack Jesus' faithfulness to fulfill the will of God.
- Every attack from Satan is to disrupt your faithfulness.
- Faithfulness is something you can achieve in every area of your life.
- Signs of maturity in men.
- Living according to God's Word.
- Considering how to do things better.
- How do you develop faithfulness?
- The spirit of God is on the inside of you, therefore you have the ability to bear good fruit.
- The fruit of the Spirit includes faithfulness.
- An apple tree produces apples; likewise Christians produce the fruit of the Spirit.
- Proceed in faithfulness by being aware of the following:
- Realize that as you develop in faithfulness, temptation will come.
- Temptation is pressure applied to your godly way of thinking to get you to quit.
- Seek the Holy Spirit's reinforcement and develop regular, positive spiritual habits.
- Believers are constantly pressured on all sides.
- Put on the whole armor of God; pray, read your Bible, go to church, and meditate on the Word.
- If ever you fall, stand up and try again.
- You're not going to live a flawless, perfect life.
- When you fall, refuse to quit, and get back up.
- Realize that as you develop in faithfulness, temptation will come.
Scripture References:
- Ephesians 6:1-3, AMP
- Deuteronomy 6:6-9, AMP
- Psalm 128:1-6
- Galatians 5:22, AMP
- Psalm 100:5
- Matthew 24:35
- Matthew 18:20
- Matthew 16:21-23