Posted by Robert Bagonza on Thursday, September 23, 2010
God wants us to be mindful of the covenant He made with Abraham. Often,
when many of us think of a covenant, we think of an old custom from
Biblical times that may not apply to us today. However, the Abrahamic
covenant is just as relevant today as it was in Abraham’s day. The
Bible says when we are strangers to the covenant, we are without hope
in this world. It is imperative that we know and understand the
Abrahamic covenant because, as born-again Christians, it gives us
- As born again Christians, we are one in Christ (Galatians 3:27-29).
- Because of Jesus, we are all Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise.
- When we did not have Christ, we were strangers to our covenant and without hope in this world (Ephesians 2:11, 12).
- God operates according to the covenants of promise found in His written Word.
- Some Christians are strangers to their covenants of promise because they do not know what the Word says.
- Many believers are destroyed because of their lack of knowledge.
- Religion has made the Word of God of no affect.
- If you are considering your circumstances more than the Word, you do not have the faith of Abraham (Romans 4:16-21).
- We must be fully persuaded that God is able to do what He has promised.
- Ask yourself, “What is in my life that prevents me from being fully persuaded?”
- Sin keeps us from being fully persuaded.
- Because of Jesus, we are all Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise.
- God is all we will ever need. He is our exceedingly great reward (Genesis 15:1-18).
- Abraham believed God and was made righteous by faith, not by works.
- We have been made righteous through our belief.
- Abraham was first a worshiper of the moon before God spoke to him.
- Worshiping the moon is idolatry; many people are worshiping idols today.
- Anything we place above God as first place in our lives, is an idol.
- Many people have become slaves to their own ideas and intellect.
- So Abraham could be sure he would inherit the promise, God cut a blood covenant with him (Genesis 15:8).
- God promised to bless Abraham.
- The covenant was completed when Jesus died on the cross.
- Born again Believers are part of this covenant.
- God said He will not break His covenant or alter what He has said (Psalm 89:34).
- In Biblical times, the covenant ceremony was taken very seriously, much like the wedding ceremony of today.
- It was clearly understood that the only way out of the covenant was through death.
- If one member broke the covenant, the other members had a right to kill them.
- In the ceremony, they walked in the blood of animals.
- They repeated vows, such as, “I promise you will never starve again.”
- Hands were cut and the blood was mingled together in a handshake.
- They took communion over the covenant, which meant, “I swear to death.”
- Abraham believed God and was made righteous by faith, not by works.
Scripture References:
- Galatians 3:27-29
- Ephesians 2:11-12
- Romans 4:16-21
- Genesis 15:1-18
- Psalm 89:34