The enemy wants to contain us by keeping limits on us in the area of prosperity. He doesn’t want us to know that all
things are possible with God. However, when we limit God, through a lack
of faith in His Word, we actually limit ourselves.
A. God wants to equip us with the spirit of might. It is a supernatural ability from God that enables you to do anything (Ephesians 3:14-16, AMP).
1. Ask yourself if you have limited God in any area.
a. Develop faith in His Word.
b. If you continue in the Word, it will make you free. Consistency is the key to the breakthrough.
c. Knock down the walls of containment by attacking doubt with God’s Word.
2. Change your thinking; believe that you can be equipped with might (the ability to do all things).
a. The Spirit of God dwells within us to give us this ability. He helps us remain rooted and grounded in love (Ephesians 3:17, AMP).
b. Therefore, we have the ability to love our enemies.
c. God wants us to experience the love of Christ to the extent that we can testify of it (Ephesians 3:18, 19, AMP).
d. The love of Christ is the master key to entering the fullness of God.
3. Joseph was a prosperous man because God was with him (Genesis 39:2).
a. Therefore, the definition of Kingdom prosperity is not “the possession of material things,” even though material things are the result of prosperity.
b. Prosperity (in the Kingdom of God) is the measure of God’s divine presence in our lives.
Scripture References:
- Ephesians 3:14-19, AMP
- Genesis 39:2