Satan wants to keep us contained in a state of “not having enough” or “never being complete” so that we cannot experience the fullness of God. God wants us to live abundantly with nothing missing, broken, needed, or
even wanted in our lives. He wants us to be complete in Him, and enjoy the
fullness of life.
A. God wants us to have far over and beyond all we dare ask or think (Ephesians 3:14-21, AMP).
1. The “over and beyond” life describes the fullness of God, which is a life that is complete through Him.
2. What does it mean to be filled with the fullness of God?
a. It means there is nothing missing or broken in our lives.
b. We are complete in Him,
with no needs or wants. In other words, we are in a state of peace that passes
all understanding.
c. The love of Christ is the master key to entering the fullness of God.
3. Jesus’ law of love:
a. “Thou shalt love the Lord
thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind”
(Matthew 22:37).
b. Luke’s version of the commandment adds, “and with all thy strength” (Luke 10:27).
c. A person’s “strength” is his or her wealth, possessions, and influence in life.
B. God is love (1 John 4:7-8).
1. When love is our motive, we continually abide in God because He is love.
a. Therefore, in all that we
do as Christians—praying, giving, obeying, and serving— we must be motivated by
love and not selfishness.
b. Otherwise, failure is evitable. We will not be able to get things to work in the Kingdom of God.
c. When we live and abide in the love of God, we cannot be contained by the enemy.
d. The power that works in us is the love of God.
C. The most accurate definition of Kingdom prosperity is having God manifest Himself to you.
1. God appeared to Solomon
because he gave affectionately and sacrificially to honor Him (1 Kings
a. However, Solomon did not give a thousand burnt offerings to cause God to appear to him.
b. He gave out of affection for God and His people.
2. “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee” (Psalm 122:6).
a. Those who love God and His people will prosper, not those who love to prosper.
D. “But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth” (Deuteronomy 8:18).
1. God is love: therefore, it is love that gives us the power to be successful.
a. The Holy Spirit pours the love of God in our hearts when we become Christians (Romans 5:5).
b. We receive power, ability,
efficiency, and might when the Holy Spirit comes upon us (Acts 1:8, AMP).
c. The enemy has placed a wall
of containment around us because many of us do not know that the power we
receive from the Holy Spirit is love.
2. The gift of God within us is love (2 Timothy 1:6).
a. God has not given us a
spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). Fear does
not come from God.
b. Satan wants us to fear that what God has said will not come to pass.
E. Whomever we love, we honor.
1. Honor the Lord with your substance; esteem Him higher than material things (Proverbs 3:9, 10).
a. The woman with the
alabaster box valued Jesus more than the precious perfume she owned (Matthew
b. She esteemed Jesus higher than wealth, and gave out of her honor and affection for Him.
2. Our love for one another is proof that we have become born-again Christians (1 John 3:13-15, AMP).
a. Likewise, our hate for our
fellow Christians proves that we have not made the transition from spiritual
death to life. We did not really become born again.
Scripture References:
- Ephesians 3:14-21, AMP
- Matthew 22:37
- Luke 10:27
- 1 John 4:7-8
- 1 Kings 3-5
- Psalm 122:6
- Deuteronomy 8:18
- Romans 5:5
- Acts 1:8, AMP
- 2 Timothy 1:6, 7
- Proverbs 3:9, 10
- 1 John 3:13-15, AMP
- Matthew 26:6-13
Pastor Robert Bagonza Redeemed Church PO BOX 1920,
Mbarara, Uganda, East Africa