Posted by Robert Bagonza on Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Your attitude is a determining factor in achieving success in life. Releasing your faith and staying in a state
of expectation before God are the keys to seeing God move on your
behalf. The greatest desire of the Father is for His children to be
blessed. Part of being blessed is understanding the role you play in
receiving that blessing. You must maintain a positive attitude.
- The depth of your relationship with God will determine the quality of relationships you have with others.
- Jesus came so that you could have the abundant life (John 10:10).
- Abundance encompasses not only a quantitative life in terms of material things but also a qualitative life.
- Part of your responsibility, as a Christian, is to be able to enjoy this life.
- Your enjoyment in life is partly derived from understanding where joy comes from and how to get it to operate in your life.
- Your life is to be a witness to other people.
- The joy of living an abundant life will begin to spill over into other people's lives.
- Your life should impact others.
- See beyond your circumstances, and see yourself living life to the fullest.
- Jesus came so that you could have the abundant life (John 10:10).
- Having a good attitude is an important factor in obtaining the good life.
- Satan wants to take your joy from you.
- He can't take your joy unless you give it to him.
- When he is able to take your joy, it prevents you from enjoying the abundant type of life that God wants you to experience.
- Your relationship with God will determine the type of life you live.
- It was the bad attitude of the children of Israel that prevented them from experiencing the good life.
- They were not postured to receive the good life.
- Attitude is reflected in your body language and shows up in your facial expressions.
- Attitude is the posture that you take toward the life that you have.
- They were not postured to receive the good life.
- Satan wants to take your joy from you.
- Your attitude will be tested (2 Corinthians 2:9, AMP).
- Attitude: a manner of thinking, feeling or acting that shows one's opinion.
- Your attitude can be good or it can send very negative or strong messages to everyone around you.
- Your attitude can come as a result of intense thinking, but most of the time your attitude comes with little to no thought at all.
- People with bad attitudes are usually unhappy.
- You cannot allow your life to be governed by a negative attitude;
otherwise, you will allow your life to be at the disposal and the
direction of the enemy.
- God told the children of Israel that He would give them a land flowing with milk and honey, but their attitudes hindered them.
- The twelve spies, led by Caleb, that Moses sent out to spy on this land,
came back with a report that indeed the land flowed with milk and honey
(Numbers 13:26-33). - However, these men felt that the occupants of this land were bigger and stronger than they were.
- They felt they were as grasshoppers in their own eyes; therefore, the opponents saw them the same way.
- They saw themselves as defeated.
- Caleb, on the other hand, displayed a positive attitude; he was sure they were able to defeat the people of the land.
- The children of Israel began complaining and wanting to return to Egypt
(Numbers 14:1-3). As a result, they turned an 11-day journey into a
40-year trip. - In Numbers 14:6-9, only Joshua and Caleb remained positive in their situation.
- All you need is one person to believe God with you.
- Because Caleb's attitude was right, God said He would reward him (Numbers 14:23, 24).
- The twelve spies, led by Caleb, that Moses sent out to spy on this land,
came back with a report that indeed the land flowed with milk and honey
- The single most important decision you can make on a day-to-day basis is your attitude.
- You can have a more victorious life if you change your posture toward the life you have now.
- When you conform your thinking to God's way of thinking, you will develop a new attitude (Romans 12:2, AMP).
- When you conform your thinking to God's way of thinking, you will develop a new attitude (Romans 12:2, AMP).
- Attitude: a manner of thinking, feeling or acting that shows one's opinion.
- When negative circumstances arise, keep things in perspective (Ephesians 4:23, AMP).
- God wants to use the attitude of Believers to bring people to Christ.
- See things in God's perspective, and strive to be positive about your progress.
- Take the initiative to change any negativity in your attitude.
- Let the same attitude of servitude that was in Jesus also be in you (Philippians 2:5, AMP).
- Base your attitude on God's Word, not on your circumstances.
- Don't curse those who curse you and don't try to avenge yourself, instead bless them (Romans 12:14-21, AMP).
- Consider the words you say, be more selective about them before you speak.
- Be kind to one another. Don't have a snobbish attitude because of your
knowledge of the Word of God or revelation. Have the same humble
attitude Jesus had. - God rebukes and disciplines those He loves. Therefore, be enthusiastic about His corrections and turn away from those things that displease Him (Revelations 3:19, AMP).
- God wants to use the attitude of Believers to bring people to Christ.
Scripture References:
- John 10:10
- 2 Corinthians 2:9, AMP
- Numbers 13:26-33
- Numbers 14:1-3, 6-9, 23, 24
- Romans 12:2, AMP
- Ephesians 4:23, AMP
- Philippians 2:5, AMP
- Romans 12:14-21, AMP
- Revelations 3:19, AMP