Posted by Robert Bagonza on Tuesday, September 28, 2010
God wants you to have successful relationships. Security is an important aspect of relationships and is based on your relationship with the Father. If you are single, discover God’s purpose
for your life and cultivate your relationship with Him without
distraction. If you are married, you must develop your ability to relate
to your spouse and operate in the roles which God has created for you.
- The single life without God won’t be good.
- According to the Apostle Paul’s recommendation, God’s design for a single person
is that he or she be completely devoted to God.
- God wants a man or woman to be satisfied, secure and whole, while he or she is single.
- A single person can be completely devoted to God without distraction (1 Corinthians 7:35).
- When a single person is not completely devoted to God, he or she may become easily tempted by feelings of lust.
- It is dangerous to turn on sexual feelings that can’t easily be turned off.
- A person should never compromise because of his or her desire for a mate.
- It is important that a single man or woman’s thoughts are not consumed with finding a mate.
- When a single person becomes busy about the things of God rather than
complain about being single, He will present their mate to them at the
appropriate time.
- When a single person becomes busy about the things of God rather than
complain about being single, He will present their mate to them at the
- According to the Apostle Paul’s recommendation, God’s design for a single person
is that he or she be completely devoted to God.
- Relationships are important to everyone in the Body of Christ, particularly women.
- Relationships are important aspects of our lives.
- Women in particular are very relational.
- Often, when a woman’s relationships are out of sync, she doesn’t feel as confident and secure about herself.
- The greatest need in a covenant relationship is security.
- Security is feeling safe.
- A sense of security is especially important for women.
- Wives seek financial and emotional security from their husbands.
- When establishing relationships, both men and women want to feel free to share and fellowship with one another without any repercussions.
- It is part of God’s plan for us to feel safe in our relationships.
- Safety is of the Lord (Proverbs 21:31).
- One primary reason for not feeling secure is not having a proper relationship with God, which leads to fear, insecurity and inadequacy.
- Insecurity stems from fear, rejection, hurt and pain.
- No one should allow his or her past experiences to frame who he or she is, or plant seeds of insecurity in his or her life.
- The process of becoming whole begins with a desire to develop in God’s love.
- Submission is not just for married people.
- Single people should submit to God so that they can be prepared to submit to a spouse in marriage.
- Submitting to God means obeying His Word and following His instructions.
- Submitting to God means obeying His Word and following His instructions.
- Single people should submit to God so that they can be prepared to submit to a spouse in marriage.
- Relationships are important aspects of our lives.
- Husbands and wives are to submit to one another in marriage.
- Submission may seem difficult at first, but God requires spouses to submit to one another in marriage (Ephesians 5:21)
- Wives are their husbands’ helpers.
- To be a “helper” does not imply inferiority.
- To be a helper describes function, not worth.
- You do not lose your value by assuming the role of a helper.
- Wives should not feel inferior to their husbands because of their position as helpers.
- Sarah was considered an honorable woman because she served her husband (1 Peter 3:5-6).
- God is a helper (Exodus 18:4; Deuteronomy 33:7).
- Christians are called to serve one another.
- Servanthood is a form of helping.
- Servanthood is a way to plant seed in the Kingdom of God so that you can receive a harvest in your own life.
- In the eyes of God, servanthood is the path to true success and increase.
- Let the greatest among you be a servant (Mark 10:44).
- Jesus was secure in His calling as a servant.
- Servanthood requires that we adjust and change, rather than allowing ourselves to feel inferior.
- What you love, you’ll serve.
- God will reward you.
- God will reward you as you submit to and trust Him.
- Servanthood is a form of helping.
- Be willing to restore others in love.
- Redemption means, “to buy back; to pay a price for someone or something.”
- Redemption involves being willing to restore one another.
- Be the first one to extend love to someone who has wronged you.
- Love others unconditionally.
- Walking in love will help to restore your relationships with others.
Scripture References:
- 1 Corinthians 7:35
- Proverbs 21:31
- Ephesians 5:21
- Exodus 18:4
- Deuteronomy 33:7
- Mark 10:44
- 1 Peter 3:5, 6
Redeemed Church