Posted by Robert Bagonza on Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Your flesh (carnal mindset) is in constant conflict with your born-again spirit for control of your life, and your
mind is the battleground. When you recognize that you’re in a war for
your thought life and purpose to align your thinking with God’s Word,
you begin your march toward victory.
- You have been called to liberty, but you should not use your freedom as an incentive to sin (Galatians 5:13).
- When you intentionally sin and rely on God’s forgiveness, you defeat
yourself; what you practice doing determines what you become.
- Don’t fornicate or curse someone out just because you know you’re the righteousness of God and are eligible to receive forgiveness.
- Instead of giving place to the flesh, you should serve others (Galatians 5:13).
- You fulfill the entirety of the law when you love your neighbor as you love yourself (Galatians 5:14).
- When you intentionally sin and rely on God’s forgiveness, you defeat
yourself; what you practice doing determines what you become.
- Your born-again spirit is in competition with your flesh for control of your life (Galatians 5:16-24).
- Every work of the flesh, as well as every fruit of the Spirit, begins with a thought.
- Your mind is the control center, or central processing center, of your human body.
- Your life is the sum total of how you think.
- Walking in the flesh is a mindset aligned with the world; walking in the Spirit is a mindset aligned with God’s Word.
- You can’t manifest the fruit of the Spirit without having the mindset
of the Spirit; you can’t experience the works of the flesh without a
mindset of the flesh.- You must think about fornication before actually committing the act.
- You must think about loving others before you actually love them.
- When you walk in the Spirit, you won’t fulfill the lust of the flesh (verse 16).
- You can’t be spiritual without the Word of God.
- You can’t walk in the Spirit without the Word, because the Word is Spirit and life (John 6:63).
- Living according to the Word is what makes you spiritual. When you try to be spiritual without the Word, you are just being “spooky.”
- Any way of thinking that doesn’t align with the Word is walking in the flesh. This includes traditional religious doctrines.
- Daily study of the Bible is vital—your potential for walking in the
Spirit is directly linked to your understanding of the Word (2 Timothy
2:15). - If you never read your Bible, then the only potential you have is to walk in the flesh.
- You will only prosper and be in health to the degree that your soul prospers in these areas (3 John 2).
- You are made up of three parts: spirit, soul and body.
- You are a spirit, you possess a soul and you live in a body.
- Your life is a production of your thoughts.
- If you don’t have thoughts of health, prosperity and increase on your mind, you will never have those things in your life.
- Your thoughts are the plans, or blueprints for your life.
- If you want to change your life, you must change the way you think.
- Generational curses, such as poverty and sickness in your family, will
only be broken when you change the way you think about them.
- You are made up of three parts: spirit, soul and body.
- God’s ways are the highest ways. To walk in His ways, you must discover His thoughts from the Bible (Isaiah 55:7-8).
- God has a thousand ways to straighten out your marriage, help you raise
your children and get you out of debt; however, as long as you continue
to think according to the world, you place yourself outside of His
ways. - God knows that you can’t get His ways without first exchanging your thoughts with those that align with His Word.
- Many Christians allow their thinking to be influenced by unsaved friends, talk shows, TV and movies that don’t line up with the Word.
- Satan’s words produce thoughts that produce his ways; God’s Word produces thoughts that produce His ways.
- God sent His Word so that you can think like He does and live His way.
- God has a thousand ways to straighten out your marriage, help you raise
your children and get you out of debt; however, as long as you continue
- Within your mind, God’s Word and the Devil’s words battle for influence and control.
- The Devil tests you with sinful suggestions to see if he can control you; he knows that your thoughts govern your life.
- He uses words in songs and images in the media to influence you, gain
access to your thinking and use your body to express himself through
you. - He wants to see if you will accept and nourish his thoughts or cast them down.
- Although Christians can’t be demon-possessed, they can be demon oppressed if they allow their thinking to be influenced by the Devil.
- He uses words in songs and images in the media to influence you, gain
access to your thinking and use your body to express himself through
- Words from the Devil were what produced devilish thoughts that delivered sin into the world.
- Sin could never have entered in if Adam and Eve had not received his words that produced his thoughts.
- God established that only those with a physical body would have
authority on earth (John 10:9); He then gave that authority to Adam.
- When Adam sinned, He forfeited his power; Satan took control of everything up to the throne of God.
- God made a way to bring Jesus into the earth legally so that He could restore man’s authority.
- The Old Testament is a covenant of words intended to produce thoughts that would one day become the flesh Who has all authority—Jesus Christ.
- God sent an angel to Mary to deliver His Word. When she aligned her thinking to it by saying, “Be it unto me according to thy Word” (Luke 1:38), a way opened up—God stepped through her womb into a “legal earth suit.”
- God’s Word will produce the path for you to reach millionaire status,
receive your healing or become delivered from drugs; but you must first
align your thinking with it.
- The Devil tests you with sinful suggestions to see if he can control you; he knows that your thoughts govern your life.
- There are practical steps for walking in the Spirit versus walking in the flesh.
- You must be aware of the conflict that you are in.
- Your born-again spirit and your flesh are battling for control of your body.
- You can use God’s Word to cast down Satan’s words, because God’s Word is mighty (2 Corinthians 10:5)!
- When you sin, don’t punish your body—it’s not the problem. Your fleshy way of thinking is what needs to be disciplined with the Word.
- You must put first things first.
- If you want to conquer the lust of the flesh, walk in the Spirit by setting your mind on the Word first (Galatians 5:16).
- The religious world says you must be perfect before you come to God or attend church, but that is not what the Word of God says.
- If you could stop sinning by yourself, you would have no need for God. God knew you needed help to overcome sin—that’s why He says, “Come to Me first.”
- Religion says to stop sinning first, and then the Holy Spirit will come
in to empower you to overcome; but the Word of God says to align your
thinking with the Word first for change to come. - The light of God’s Word, not religious foolishness, always overcomes darkness (Psalm 119:130).
- You must be aware of the conflict that you are in.
Scripture References:
- Galatians 5:13-14
- Galatians 5:16-24
- John 6:63
- 2 Timothy 2:15
- 3 John 2
- Isaiah 55:7-8, 11
- John 10:9
- Luke 1:38
- 2 Corinthians 10:5
- Psalm 119:130
Pastor Robert Bagonza
Redeemed Church