
The second and third steps to receiving answers to your prayers are to be positive in your thinking and to guard your mind against every thought that doesn't support what you are believing God for.

1. The second step to receiving answers to your prayers is to be positive in your thinking.
1. Let every thought and every desire affirm that you have what you ask for.
2. Never permit a thought of failure to exist in your mind.
3. Remember that doubt is fear-based.
1. It is Satan's job to get you to second-guess yourself.
4. Feed your faith and starve your doubts by meditating on the Word of God concerning your specific prayer request.
5. Be submitted to God as you stand in faith for your prayers to be answered (James 4:7).
1. Stand firm against the devil and he will flee from you.
2. You can't stand if you don't know the Word of God.
6. Be sober in your thinking (1 Peter 5:8).
1. Renew your mind on a continual basis (Romans 12:2, 3).
2. When you think soberly, your thinking is not intoxicated or under the influence of Satan and your flesh.
1. Intoxicated thinking is a way of thinking that goes against God's Word.
3. You must have sober thinking in order for your prayers to be answered.
7. Don't set your affection on earthly things, set your mind on the things of God and the Word (Colossians 3:2).
8. You must eradicate every image, suggestion, feeling and all thoughts that do not affirm the answers to your prayers.

2. The third step to receiving answers to your prayers is to guard your mind.
1. Guard your mind against every evil thought.
1. Thoughts are generated by observations, associations and teachings.
1. Be mindful of who you listen to where the teaching of the Word of God is concerned. Not all churches teach the uncompromised Word of God.
2. Stay away from all places and things that don't support the affirmation of what you believe you receive in prayer.

Scripture References:

* James 4:7
* 1 Peter 5:8
* Romans 12:2, 3
* Colossians 3:2
* 2 Corinthians 10:5

Pastor Robert Bagonza
Redeemed Church