
Every Believer should have a prayer life that is based on the Word of God. The first two steps to receiving answers to your prayers are to be specific in asking God for what you want and
believing that you receive those things that you pray for.

  1. The first step to receiving answers to your prayers is to be specific while standing on God's promises.
    1. Decide what you want and find scriptures that pertain to the promise you believe will come to pass in your life.
    2. Learn to pray according to God's Word.
    3. Faith begins where the will of God is known.
      1. God's Word is His will.
      2. You must take time to read the Word to confirm what you are praying for.
    4. Continually meditate on the Word of God so that your heart may be established on the promise (Joshua 1:8).
      1. Allow the Scriptures to become firmly fixed in your heart and mind (Psalm 119:11).
      2. Success in life comes from meditating in God's Word.
      3. Your spirit is fed by the Word of God (Matthew 4:4).
    5. When the devil comes to challenge the Word you have been meditating on, speak what God has written like Jesus did when He was tempted (Matthew 4:7-11). The devil
      will leave you when you speak God's Word.
      1. Know that the enemy will try to oppose your prayers.
      2. Fight the good fight of faith by opening your mouth and speaking the Word (1 Timothy 6:12).
        1. The Word is your weapon of spiritual warfare where prayer is concerned.

  2. The second step to receiving answers to your prayers is to believe you receive those things that you pray for.
    1. The Bible instructs you to ask God for what you want (John 16:23, 24).
      1. You must ask if you are expecting to receive (Matthew 7:7, 8).
    2. Don't base your ability to receive on whether you can perceive your request with your natural senses.
      1. Something may be a fact, but that doesn't make it the truth.
      2. Facts can change, but the truth is eternal and never changes.
      3. Circumstances may be factual, but God's Word is the truth that will set you free from the facts of negative circumstances.
    3. You must have confidence in God in order to see the manifestation of His promises.
    4. Believe that you receive and speak what you believe and you will have it (Mark 11:23, 24).

Scripture References:

  • Joshua 1:8
  • Psalm 119:11
  • Matthew 4:4, 7-11
  • 1 Timothy 6:12
  • John 16:23, 24
  • Matthew 7:7, 8
  • Mark 11:23, 24
Pastor Bagonza Robert
Redeemed Church