
When Jesus is Lord of your life, you can accomplish all things through Him. Jesus has made you righteous (having right standing with God).
Therefore, you don't have to do anything to become righteous. Righteous
people do righteous things. Also, Jesus gives you the wisdom to prosper
in every area of your life.

  1. The day you became born again, you stepped into Jesus and gained access to all He has (1 Corinthians 1:29, 30).
    1. The relationship you have with Jesus will sanctify you; you are set apart unto God because of Him.
      1. Without Jesus, there's only eternal damnation in your future.
    2. You receive wisdom, righteousness, redemption, and sanctification through Him.
      1. You are the righteous protecting your righteousness; the healed protecting your health, and the prosperous protecting your prosperity.
    3. When the devil looks at you, he sees Jesus.
    4. You have freedom over sin's bondage.
      1. It is difficult to abstain from sin when you don't know Jesus.
      2. Have faith in Him, and His ability to help you overcome in all things.

  2. Sin separates you from God.
    1. Your sin will not cause you to receive eternal damnation, but rejecting Jesus will.
      1. Turning your back on Jesus is the unpardonable sin.
      2. When you sin, you become guilty and condemned, which will cause you to reject Jesus.
    2. Serious consequences follow sin; it blocks the blessings God wants to give you.

  3. Exalting yourself and your works is dangerous (Luke 18:9-14).
    1. The Pharisee exalted himself.
    2. The publican humbled himself before God and was justified.
    3. You will not be justified if you take credit for your life.
    4. Righteous people don't work to gain their right standing with God.

  4. Justification in the Kingdom of God is explained in the parable of the two sons (Matthew 21:28-31)
    1. The first son disobeyed, then repented and obeyed his father.
    2. The second son only pretended to obey.
    3. The first son was justified.
    4. Some people will make it into the kingdom of God simply because of their repentance.

  5. Jesus has redeemed you from poverty.
    1. God made a covenant to bless Abraham and His seed (Genesis 17:1-9).
    2. Jesus, Abraham's seed, was not poor.
    3. Because of Jesus, you are also Abraham's seed. Therefore, you qualify for the blessing of God (Galatians 3:14).
      1. Jesus became poor when He died on the cross, and at that precise moment He was without the Father.
      2. He was ultimately prosperous in every way on Earth, and still is in Heaven.
      3. When you receive His wisdom, He will show you how to get wealth.
    4. Our job is to make Jesus famous by demonstrating to the world His greatness.

Scripture References:

  • 1 Corinthians 1:29, 30
  • Luke 18:9-14
  • Matthew 21:28-31
  • Genesis 17:1-9
  • Galatians 3:14
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