Posted by Robert Bagonza on Tuesday, September 28, 2010
God created the institution of marriage so that both husband and wife could be co-rulers on the earth. Conducting your marriage by God’s manual—the Bible—is the only guarantee for success.
- Failure to execute the things you have learned concerning marriage is the number one reason marriages fail.
- Do not be concerned with what your spouse is doing. Instead, concentrate on what you should be doing.
- Do not be concerned with what your spouse is doing. Instead, concentrate on what you should be doing.
- There are some things that spouses should never do or say to one another.
- Wives should never be critical of their husbands.
- A wife should never tell her husband that he is not a real man.
- Don’t nag, but let your quiet spirit and godly conversation win him over (1 Peter 3:1).
- Husbands should never speak harshly toward their wives.
- Never tell your wife that you hate her.
- Don’t be led by your emotions.
- When you are hurt, you will say the wrong things.
- The things you say may damage your relationship beyond repair.
- When you do say hurtful things to one another, repent to one another and make up your minds to never be unkind again.
- Wives should never be critical of their husbands.
- Husbands and wives are co-rulers through partnership.
- You cannot show love for and support of others and not show it to your spouse.
- A wife is not less of a person than her husband; they are equal partners in the marriage.
- Wives should communicate their love for their husbands by supporting them.
- If you do not support your husband, you are not showing him love.
- If you do not support your husband, you are not showing him love.
- Invest in the inner man.
- Make sure you invest in the hidden man of the heart, which is your spirit (1 Peter 3:4).
- Cultivate a meek spirit.
- A meek spirit refuses to contribute to chaos in the home.
- A meek spirit is one that is peaceful.
- Wives should make sure that they are not the cause of marital problems.
- Manipulation, crying and complaining do nothing to contribute to a stable household.
- Husbands and wives must get rid of the baggage in their lives so that they can have a healthy relationship.
- A virtuous woman guides her house into peace (Proverbs 31:10-28).
- Manipulation, crying and complaining do nothing to contribute to a stable household.
- Husbands are to dwell with their wives according to knowledge (1 Peter 3:7).
- Every husband needs to take responsibility for his marriage.
- Educate yourself on marriage.
- Read books.
- Listen to tapes.
- Go to seminars.
- Don’t operate according to the world’s system concerning marriage.
- Do not listen to talk shows and television for advice and counsel.
- Read the best marriage manual ever written—the Bible.
- Conducting your marriage according to God’s method guarantees that your marriage
will be healthy, wholesome, prosperous and happy.
- You have to understand the different roles in marriage.
- You have to understand the different roles in marriage.
- Educate yourself on marriage.
- Every husband needs to take responsibility for his marriage.
- Co-rulership is the partnership of life.
- You and your spouse are heirs together in the kingdom of God.
- When you are in agreement, your prayers are not hindered (1 Peter 3:7).
- Co-rulers are two people jointed together in the adventures of marriage and life.
- If a spouse is treated as “less than,” his or her partner will be
discouraged. Bitterness, discouragement and hardness of heart can occur
as a result. - When a husband and wife treat each other as joint-partners, they empower themselves and their relationship.
- If a spouse is treated as “less than,” his or her partner will be
discouraged. Bitterness, discouragement and hardness of heart can occur
- Husbands should treat their wives as partners.
- Involve your spouse in all major decisions.
- Treat one another with mutual respect and honor.
- You and your spouse are heirs together in the kingdom of God.
- You and your spouse are to be of one mind.
- It takes time, patience, commitment and communication to become one with another person in the area of your soul.
- Be compassionate, caring, sympathetic and kind in order to achieve oneness of mind.
- Effective communication occurs when two people clearly understand one another.
- When you are not talking to each other (the silent treatment), the devil will talk to both of you.
- Make sure to continue communicating—even when you are frustrated.
- The Word of God is the final authority.
- Allow the Bible to settle every argument.
- It takes time, patience, commitment and communication to become one with another person in the area of your soul.
Scripture References:
- 1 Peter 3:1-9
- Proverbs 31:10-28
Redeemed Church