Posted by Robert Bagonza on Sunday, September 26, 2010
Experiencing the fullness of God’s blessing requires developing the faith necessary
to enter into godly rest. You have a covenant with God, and He is
obligated by that covenant to fulfill His promise.
- The key to receiving the fullness of God's blessing is to understand how to enter into godly rest.
- You must rest from your work, so the blessing can do the work (Hebrew 4:1-10).
- God rested on the seventh day, and allowed the blessing to work.
- The Word of God won't work without faith.
- When you believe God you will rest.
- People in unbelief will not enter into godly rest.
- People in unbelief will not enter into godly rest.
- When you believe God you will rest.
- You must rest from your work, so the blessing can do the work (Hebrew 4:1-10).
- Abraham did not struggle with unbelief (Romans 4:18-21).
- Abraham was considered righteous because he believed God (Genesis 15:1-8).
- Abraham found hope in His covenant with God (Genesis 15:9-18).
- Abraham's expectation was from his covenant.
- Expectation is the breeding ground for miracles.
- If you expect nothing, you will get nothing.
- Abraham's expectation was from his covenant.
- As Believers, we must be mindful of our covenant with God.
- God is a covenant God; He works through His covenant promises.
- A covenant is a pledge, vow, or promise to carry out the terms agreed upon.
- God changed Abraham's name, and made an everlasting covenant with him and his seed (Genesis 17:1-8).
- As a Believer, you are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise God made Abraham.
- Without Christ you are strangers to your covenant (Ephesians 2:12).
- Satan wants you to remain ignorant of your covenant, so you'll remain hopeless.
- Without the covenant you are limited in receiving resources from Heaven.
- Without the covenant, you have no hope.
- Satan wants you to remain ignorant of your covenant, so you'll remain hopeless.
- The Bible is a book of covenant promises.
- Things that were written before our time were written for our learning, that we might have hope (Romans 15:4).
- God is a covenant God; He works through His covenant promises.
Scripture References:
- Hebrews 4:1-10
- Romans 4:18-21
- Genesis 15:1-8
- Genesis 15: 9-18
- Genesis 17:1-8
- Ephesians 2:12
- Romans 15:4
Redeemed Church