Posted by Robert Bagonza on Tuesday, September 28, 2010
It is God's will for you to live a long, healthy and happy life, but long life is a decision that you have to make. Watch
your words and only speak those things that will contribute to long
life. Your mouth holds the key to covenant longevity.
- Long life is your covenant right.
- God wants you to live a multitude of days (Zechariah 8:4).
- Just as in times of old, in the end times death will lose its grip on both the young and the old.
- You can die at a good old age if you choose (Genesis 15:15).
- The minimum age a person should live is 70 years (Psalm 90:10).
- David died at a good old age; he was full and satisfied with days
(1 Chronicles 29:26-28). - Life should be good when you get old.
- When you seek God, you will not lack any good thing, including old age (Psalm 34:10).
- You never waste time when you seek God.
- Seeking God positions you to experience covenant longevity.
- Long life is a choice (Deuteronomy 30:19).
- Gratefulness for life expands your capacity to receive more life.
- It is up to you to determine the maximum number of years that you live past 70.
- Taking communion opens the door to long life (John 6:48-50).
- Every person should have a "secret place" where they go to meet with God and call upon Him.
- King Hezekiah called on God and God granted Him more years to live (Isaiah 38:1-5).
- When you get a bad report from a doctor, call upon God. Remind Him of the promises found in His Word.
- God will extend your life; He is a covenant-keeping God.
- You must have confidence when you call on God.
- God will grant you long life and show you His salvation when you call on Him with confidence (Psalm 91:15, 16).
- Call on God when you are in trouble.
- Stephen made a decision to die while he was being stoned
(Acts 7:59, 60). - The Apostle Paul was stoned and had many opportunities to choose death, but
he knew that he had not completed his assignment in life (Acts 14:19; 2
Corinthians 11:23-31). - Operating in wickedness will decrease your longevity.
- There are covenant requirements for longevity (Psalm 91:1-16).
- You must dwell in the secret place of the Most High.
- When you stay in the secret place of God, you will receive secrets.
- The secrets that God reveals to you are for you and your children (Deuteronomy 29:29).
- God will give you secrets to living a long life.
- Truth is revelation knowledge given to you from God that will show you how to live a long life (John 8:32).
- When you get in God's presence, supernatural things will happen in your life.
- Don't wait for things to go wrong before you seek the Lord.
- Speak long life.
- You must speak what you want to see become a reality in your life.
- Don't have doubt in your heart (Mark 11:23).
- Feed your faith and starve your doubts.
- Angels will go to work to divinely rearrange things so that your words come to pass.
- Your words will bring you long life (Proverbs 18:21;
Psalm 34:12, 13; 1 Peter 3:10).- Don't allow your words to become your enemy
(Numbers 14:26-28). - You will be judged by your words
(Matthew 12:36). - Place your order with God and He will fulfill it
(Psalm 81:10-14). - God will confirm His Word and perform it
(Isaiah 44:24-26). - Change your circumstances with your words.
- When your enemies hear the words you speak from God's Word, they will be defeated (Psalm 18:44, 45).
- Don't allow your words to become your enemy
- You must dwell in the secret place of the Most High.
Scripture References:
- Zechariah 8:4
- Genesis 15:15
- 1 Chronicles 29:26-28
- Psalm 34:10
- Deuteronomy 30:19
- John 6:48-50
- Isaiah 38:1-5
- Psalm 91:15, 16
- Acts 7:59, 60
- Acts 14:19
- 2 Corinthians 11:23-31
- Psalm 91:1-16
- Deuteronomy 29:29
- John 8:32
- Luke 10:19
- Mark 11:23
- Proverbs 18:21
- Numbers 14:26-28
- Matthew 12:36
- Psalm 34:12, 13
- 1 Peter 3:10
- Psalm 81:10-14
- Isaiah 44:24-26
- Psalm 18:44, 45
Redeemed Church