
Where you are in life is a result of the decisions you have made. God has a specific place where He has called you to reside; and it is there that you will be protected, provided for

and blessed. It is important to seek the Lord before making the decision
to move to a certain location. Where you choose to live will determine
whether or not you experience the fullness of God's blessings.

  1. God gives you choices; it is up to you to make the right choice (Deuteronomy 30:19).
    1. Where you are in life is a result of the decisions you have made.
    2. When you make decisions that line up with the Word of God, you will make wise decisions.
      1. Wise decisions will bring you to a good place in life.
    3. As long as you ignore God's Word and the Holy Spirit in your decision-making, you will end up in the wrong place.
    4. God wants to bring you to a place of abundance (Deuteronomy 11:10-12). Acknowledge Him in all you do and He will direct your path (Proverbs 3:6).
    5. In order to make wise decisions, you will have to study the Word of God.
    6. Don't make decisions based on limited knowledge. Place the Word of God above everything else.

  2. There are five practical things to consider when determining where to live.
    1. Visit where you are considering moving.
      1. This will help you determine how you will feel there.
    2. Talk to people about where you are planning to live.
    3. Before you decide where you are going to live, consider your budget.
    4. Don't forget your roots.
      1. Don't move someplace you will be uncomfortable.
      2. Example: If you are from a small town, you may not like living in a big city for an extended period of time.
    5. Don't rush; this is not a decision to make overnight.
      1. You increase your chances of making the wrong decision when you are in a rush.

  3. In addition to the practical steps, you must spend time with God to find out what He has to say about your decision.
    1. God knows every detail of your life.
    2. God knows exactly where you are supposed to be.
    3. There is no place like being in the place where God has ordained you to be.

  4. The Garden of Eden was the place of man's blessings.
    1. In the Garden, man received his blessings, provision and protection.
    2. God made every resource available to Adam and Eve in the Garden; they did not have to toil in order to receive provision (food, protection, shelter).
    3. Adam and Eve were blessed and empowered to be a blessing to the Earth in the place where God ordained them to be.
      1. Where you are geographically is very significant to your success and the provision and blessings of God in your life.
    4. Do not move until you hear from God.
    5. The Garden of Eden was a place of blessings for Adam and Eve until they sinned.
      1. Sin removed Adam and Eve from their place of blessing.
      2. They had to work hard to get provisions for themselves.

  5. Lot made a choice where he and his family would live and it was costly (Genesis 13:10, 11).
    1. Lot was the nephew of Abraham.
    2. Lot followed Abraham to a certain location thinking he would be blessed there as well.
      1. As long as Lot was with Abraham, he was blessed.
    3. Because of strife between their herdsmen, Abraham and Lot separated and Lot chose to live in a place that looked prosperous like the Garden of Eden.
    4. Lot didn't consider that this location was next to Sodom and Gomorrah, one of the most perverse and wicked regions at that time (vs. 12, 13).
      1. Lot did not consider the immorality that existed in those cities.
      2. Lot did not consider what God had to say about his decision to move to that location.
        1. Lot and his entire tribe were seduced by immorality.
        2. Lot and his family had to be rescued, and he lost his wife in the process.
    5. Lot chose the land that looked the best, but it cost him.

  6. Elijah was called to a specific place, and there, he was fed and sustained (1 Kings 17:2-14).
    1. Get to the place called "there" and all your needs will be met.
      1. You won't lack anything where God has called you to be.
    2. If you are in a place and it seems as if your provision is drying up (vs. 7), go to God for another word from Him.
    3. He will direct you to another place (vs. 9).
    4. If you want to reach your place of ultimate provision, you must get rid of selfishness.
      1. God sends you "there" for someone else, not just for you.
        1. Your needs will be met when you meet someone else's needs (v. 13, 14).

  7. Sometimes the place called "there" is far from the people and things that are familiar to you (Genesis 12:1).
    1. Get away from people who are framing your thinking in a way that doesn't line up with God's Word.
    2. God wants to expand your thinking and your territory.

  8. Often the place of the blessing will have some challenges.
    1. Even though Ruth and Joseph were where they were supposed to be, they still encountered challenges (Ruth: 1, 2, 3 and 4:1-10; Genesis 39:1-23).
      1. Don't let challenges throw you off course or get you to leave where you know God has called you to be.
        1. Just because there are challenges does not mean God did not send you "there."
        2. Sometimes the place of blessings isn't always the place of ease.
        3. Sometimes you will have to press through obstacles to reach your divine destiny.
        4. You shouldn't just move from a place because you are having challenges; expect them and keep moving forward.
      2. Allow challenges to strengthen you and build your character. This process is similar to lifting weights in a weight room to develop muscles.
        1. In the weight room, the more weight you lift, the more muscles you develop.
        2. Likewise, the more challenges you overcome, the more character you build.
Scripture References:
  • Deuteronomy 30:19
  • Proverbs 3:6
  • Deuteronomy 11:10-12
  • Genesis 13:10-13
  • 1 Kings 17:2-14
  • Genesis 12:1
  • Ruth 1, 2, 3 and 4:1-10
  • Genesis 39:1-23
Pastor Bagonza Robert
Redeemed Church