Posted by Robert Bagonza on Saturday, September 25, 2010
God has already prepared a path that will lead you to the good life He has intended for you. It is up to you to
discover that path. The purpose of the Holy Spirit is to make known to
you the path that you are to take and when you pray in tongues you speak
the plans of God into existence. Angels are ministering spirits that
will help you reach the good life God has prepared. When you give voice
to God's Word, you activate the angels to assist you in carrying out His
- God has already prepared and made ready the good life for you to live (Ephesians 2:10, AMP).
- God's thoughts toward you are for welfare, peace, wholeness and well-being (Jeremiah 29:11).
- You must get a revelation of God's plan in order for you to experience the good life.
- You shouldn't choose your own path in life because the path you
choose may not lead to the good life. God will lead you to the right
- You must discover God's path for you to reach the good life.
- You must discover God's path for you to reach the good life.
- The Holy Spirit's job is to show you the path that you must take in order to
reach the good life (1 Corinthians 2: 9-13).
- No one knows God's mind but His Spirit.
- The Holy Spirit knows the exact path you need to take in life.
- The only way to be successful is by developing an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit.
- Knowledge without the Spirit of God to give you insight about it is dead.
- Wisdom is the light to the knowledge that you get from the Word.
- When you pray in tongues, you pray out the plans of God for your life.
- You must listen to the Holy Spirit and follow His directions in every detail of
your life in order to be successful.
- You transfer spiritual things into the natural realm by calling forth what
God has already said and done.
- God has already spoken what has not yet happened (Isaiah 46:10).
- God calls the results of a situation from the beginning (Isaiah 48:3).
- There is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9). God has already created a solution for your current circumstances.
- The way to transfer those things that God has already spoken into the natural realm
is to call them forth.
- By faith, call forth what is not yet seen by speaking it (Romans 4:17).
- Call forth the good life.
- You have a heavenly inventory of blessings and provision waiting to be called forth.
- When you believe, you will speak what you believe (2 Corinthians 4:13).
- Angels are ministering spirits that will protect you and help escort you into your destiny.
- Angels will execute the Word when you speak it; they hearken to the voice of
the Word (Psalm 103:20-21).
- You must give voice to the Word of God in order for your angels to perform it.
- Angels are ministering spirits that have been assigned to Believers (Hebrews 1:14).
- God takes pleasure in prospering you and is magnified when you prosper (Psalm 35:27). His angels will help bring you to your prosperous life.
- Abundant life is wholeness in every area of your life.
- For example: a healthy body, more than enough finances to take care of your needs and desires and fulfilling relationships constitute a life of wholeness.
- Angels will execute the Word when you speak it; they hearken to the voice of
the Word (Psalm 103:20-21).
Scripture References:
- Jeremiah 29:11
- Ephesians 2:10 (AMP)
- 1 Corinthians 2:9-13
- Isaiah 46:10
- Isaiah 48:3
- Ecclesiastes 1:9
- Romans 4:17
- 2 Corinthians 4:13
- Psalm 103:20, 21
- Psalm 35:27
- Hebrews 1:14
Redeemed Church