Confidence in God’s love for you connects you to the anointing. It is also the first area where the Enemy attacks the believer. When you don’t have a firm grasp on your righteousness, your
confidence in God’s ability to manifest Himself in your life will be

  1. Confidence is your connection to the anointing
    (Hebrews 10:35).
    1. Confidence, for the believer, is assurance, trust and a firm belief in God’s love for you.
      1. Because of this love, God will manifest Himself to you (John 14:21).
    2. The number one fear of Christians is that the promises of God won’t come to pass.
    3. Confidence is the Devil’s first area of attack; if he can get you to doubt God’s love for you, he can prevent you from receiving God’s
  2. Understanding the free gift of righteousness is a root to your confidence in God.
    1. The moment you doubt your righteousness because of sin-consciousness, your confidence in God will be out of place.
    2. Righteousness cannot be earned; it is a free gift that is given by God’s grace.
    3. All of mankind are born into sin because of Adam’s high treason in the Garden of Eden, and all men are made righteous through Jesus Christ
      (Romans 5:12-21).
      1. The only thing you need to do to become a sinner is to be born, and the only thing you need to do to be made righteous is to be born again.
    4. God enables you to rule in life through the free gift of righteousness.
      1. If you don’t receive the gift of righteousness, you will not rule and reign in life.
      2. Righteousness, however, is not a license to sin (Romans 6:1-2).
    5. Your good works won’t make you righteous, only Jesus can (Romans 3:20-24; Psalm 143:2; Galatians 2:16).
    6. Righteousness is available to all, in the same way that sin is available to all.
    7. The only thing you have to do to receive righteousness is to believe (Romans 4:2-5).
    8. When you try to achieve righteousness by yourself, guilt and condemnation will set in when you sin or miss the mark.
    9. Only righteousness-conscious people will be able to stand in the face of battle.
    10. To say that you are unworthy is to say that Jesus’ blood didn’t get the job done.
    11. Righteousness will produce boldness in your life (Proverbs 28:1).
    12. Because you are the righteousness of God, when you sin and ask forgiveness, God forgets your sin (Psalm 130:3).

Scripture References:

  • Hebrews 10:35
  • John 14:21
  • Romans 5:12-21
  • Romans 6:1-2
  • Romans 3:20-24
  • Psalm 143:2
  • Galatians 2:16
  • Romans 4:2-5
  • Proverbs 28:1
  • Psalm 130:3

Pastor Robert Bagonza

Redeemed Church