Posted by Robert Bagonza on Saturday, September 25, 2010
Pride is doing things your way instead of God's way and it always leads to your downfall. Love and selfishness are the most powerful forces in the
world. When we continue to pursue our will instead of God's will for
our lives, we are in pride and operating in selfishness. Love activates
the law of life in Christ Jesus and pride and selfishness activate the
law of sin and death.
- Some people have a form of godliness, but their actions deny, or reject the power of God (2 Timothy 3:5).
- God does not want us to love Him with emotional love; we are to love Him by obeying His commandments.
- When we choose to do things our way instead of God's way, we are in pride.
- Our desires must line up with God's desires.
- We must not be so consumed with achieving the world's standards of what is acceptable that we forsake God's Word.
- Die to self and follow God (Luke 9:23-25).
- Dying to self means dying to emotions, plans and pursuits that are not the will of God.
- We are living in the Last Days, and people are going after their own selfish desires like never before.
- During these times, there will be trouble and unbearable times and people will hate those who want to live right.
- During these times, there will be trouble and unbearable times and people will hate those who want to live right.
- God does not want us to love Him with emotional love; we are to love Him by obeying His commandments.
- Pride caused the fall of Satan (Isaiah 14:12).
- When we are full of pride and following our own plans for life, we are ignoring God's plan and behaving like Satan.
- When we only love ourselves and our agenda more than we love God, we are in pride.
- Pride comes when we disobey God. When you are in pride, bad things will happen in your life.
- God hates pride.
- Arrogance and pride go together (Proverbs 8:13).
- Arrogant people have a tendency to lie.
- Why does God hate pride?
- He hates pride because it immediately stops and prevents His life and love from manifesting in our lives and hearts.
- Whenever you find yourself not loving others as God has commanded, you will find pride in your heart.
- The decision to love is not based on your feelings. Pride says that you can only love someone if you feel loving emotions toward them.
- Pride is self-centered.
- When you love God, you will obey Him despite your feelings.
- When you obey God and operate in His love, you are protected from the enemy.
- Your love for others is based on a decision you have made, not your feelings or whether they are demonstrating love toward you.
- When you stay on God's side and in His love, you avoid pride.
- The hearts of the arrogant are hard and unfeeling (Psalm 119:69, 70).
- People who are full of pride are so used to being their own god, they no longer are able to be directed by God.
- They have no feeling toward the things of God and their senses are dull to His Word.
- Their minds are reprobate; they continue in sin, thinking everything will work out for them.
- There is a way that seems right but the end is destruction.
- If you recognize areas of pride in your life, repent.
- Judging ourselves in this manner helps us stay on God's side.
- Pride robs us of the love of God flowing to us and through us (Psalm 103).
- When we are full of pride and following our own plans for life, we are ignoring God's plan and behaving like Satan.
Scripture References:
- 2 Timothy 3:5
- Luke 9:23-25
- Isaiah 14:12
- Proverbs 8:13
- Psalm 119:69, 70
- Psalm 103
Redeemed church