
Jesus came to save the lost. His mission was to gain territory for the kingdom of God. He always operated in faith, with signs and wonders following, because He esteemed God’s Word higher than anything else. As Believers, Jesus expects us to follow His example of soul winning. He has commissioned us to spread the Gospel throughout the world.

  1. To successfully operate in the kingdom of God, we must give the kingdom priority in our lives. We know we are giving the kingdom first place when we operate in the following:

    1. Honor

      1. We honor the kingdom of God when God’s way of doing things carries more weight than the world’s way of doing things.

    2. Trust

      1. We trust God when we rely on God’s kingdom instead of the world.

    3. Confidence

      1. Our confidence in God’s kingdom is demonstrated through our faith (Matthew 17:17-20).

    4. Words

      1. The words we speak indicate which kingdom we trust.

    5. Expectation

      1. It is evident that we rely on the kingdom of God when we expect to receive our provision from it.

  2. Jesus has commissioned us to preach the Gospel and expand the kingdom of God, just as He did when He was on the earth (Mark 16:15; Luke 4:43, AMP).

    1. Jesus came to save sinners (Luke 19:10, 1 Timothy 1:15).

    2. Jesus received sinners, and He even ate with them (Luke 15:2).

    3. Jesus won and baptized many disciples (John 4:1, AMP).

    4. Jesus said, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19).

    5. We can use wisdom to win souls. And God gives us that wisdom when we ask for it (Proverbs 11:30, AMP).

    6. Saving souls comes with an eternal value and reward. Those who win souls for the kingdom will shine like the stars (Daniel 12:3, AMP, James 5:20; AMP).

    7. We learn how to serve God and people when we win souls (1 Corinthians 9:19, AMP).

    8. We shouldn’t have ulterior motives or seek a profit when winning souls (1 Corinthians 10:33, AMP).

    9. Life in the kingdom elevates us to greatness (Luke 7:28).

Scripture References:

  • Matthew 17:17-20

  • Mark 16:15

  • Luke 4:43, AMP

  • Luke 19:10

  • 1Timothy 1:15

  • Luke 15:2

  • John 4:1, AMP

  • Matthew 4:19

  • Proverbs 11:30, AMP

  • Daniel 12:3, AMP

  • James 5:20, AMP

  • 1 Corinthians 9:19, AMP

  • 1 Corinthians 10:33, AMP

  • Luke 7:28

Pastor Robert Bagonza

Senior Pastor Redeemed Church