Keys to Being an Authentic Christian
Posted by Robert Bagonza on Thursday, September 23, 2010
As Christians, we must have the courage to look within and ask God to
reveal to us the areas in our hearts that are not genuine. Many
Christians have perfected phoniness, and their love is not authentic.
They may smile, but inside they are harboring jealousy, envy, hatred,
and other wrong ways of thinking. However, if we will bring our heart
issues before God and allow Him to help us, we can be authentic
Christians, patterning ourselves after Jesus.
- Love one another fervently from a pure heart (1 Peter 1:22, 23, AMP).
- The Word of God is everlasting; it is alive and active.
- We look not at the things which are seen, but the things that are not seen (2 Corinthians 4:18, AMP).
- The things that are seen are temporal; the things that are not seen are eternal.
- We should not pattern ourselves after the world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2).
- When we refer to the world, we mean cares, temptations, desires, and everything else that opposes the Word.
- We must not put our confidence and trust in the world’s way of doing things.
- The world will pass away, along with the lustful way of thinking and passionate desires associated with it (1 John 2:17, AMP).
- Do not adopt of embrace the world’s way of doing things.
- When we refer to the world, we mean cares, temptations, desires, and everything else that opposes the Word.
- Our love should be real; people want to see how genuine we are (1 John 3:11-17).
- We should not be like Cain—his works were evil and his love was not genuine.
- Cain was filled with jealousy and envy.
- This is why we must go to God with our challenges and issues.
- If we try to cover up our heart issues, they will eventually surface.
- Is your love sincere?
- We must love not only with our words, but with our actions.
- When we do things for God we must not do them to be praised by men (Matthew 6:1-5, 16, The Message).
- Jesus said if we do good works to be praised by men, that is all we will receive.
- We should not be like Cain—his works were evil and his love was not genuine.
- Are we authentic Christians?
- Does the fruit in our lives reflect the character of Jesus?
- Being authentic requires unquestionable evidence.
- The Word has to be operating on the inside of us.
- Do we depend on the Word in tough times?
- Does the fruit in our lives reflect the character of Jesus?
- Ways you can discover your own authenticity:
- Find the courage to look within yourself.
- Accept that you are created by God Almighty. He accepts you as you are.
- Embrace who you are, how God created you, and the will of God for your life.
- Be of service to others. You can discover your authenticity, even concerning the will of God for your life while serving others.
- Dare to be yourself.
- Be authentic with your words.
- Tell yourself it is okay to be different
Scripture References:
- 1 Peter 1:22, 23, AMP
- 2 Corinthians 4:18, AMP
- Romans 12:2
- 1 John 2:17, AMP
- 1 John 3:11-17
- Matthew 6:1-5, 16, The Message