
Everyone goes through trials and tribulations; however, those who remain steadfast in God's Word have the advantage of patiently enduring
knowing that God gives them victory every time.

  1. Know what to do when the storms (trials and tribulations) comes.
    1. Christians must know how to stand against the storms of life (Matthew 7:24-29).
      1. Remain steadfast in the Word when the trials of life come your way.
        1. Just because you're going through a difficult time doesn't release you from God's commandment to love others (Matthew 5:43-48).
        2. God is our rock; continue to assemble with other Believers. (Come to church.)
        3. Hear and do the Word.
        4. Without God's Word, you'll be defeated.
      2. Christians should mature during the storms of life, because they know God's got their back.
        1. When the pressure is on, it reveals the real you.
        2. When you're squeezed, the Word should come out.
        3. Part of maturing as a Christian is implementing what you've learned.
    2. When life gets rough, recognize that God's favor is always working (Psalm 41:5-13).
      1. Don't get offended with God. Doing so limits His ability to get involved in your situation.
        1. Refuse to allow your emotions to move you.
        2. Be convinced that God's Word is true. (The enemy will not triumph in your life.) iii. God will uphold your integrity. Integrity is what leads you
          to victory.
      2. Tough times become testimonies; your victory will encourage others (Luke 21:10-19).
        1. God's given you a mouth and His Word. Speak His Word only.
        2. God promised not one hair on your head will perish.

  2. God's tabernacle is your place of protection (Isaiah 4:6).
    1. In the presence of God, you'll develop a different perspective concerning your storms (Psalm 107:20-29).
      1. In the presence of God, you'll:
        1. rise above your problems
        2. hear from God
        3. get your emotions under control
        4. receive direction.
      2. God will bring you out of your distress.
    2. Even when you're instructed by God to do something, storms will arise (Mark 4:35-41).
      1. Learn a lesson from the disciples: when a storm comes and you don't know what to do do, run to Jesus!
      2. Make wise decisions during difficult times.
      3. Because Jesus knew the power of His Word, He spoke to the storm, and there was a great calm.

  3. In the midst of a storm, speak the Word of God (Psalm 148:7, 8).
    1. Meditate on the fact that nothing can separate you from the love of God (Romans 8:35-39).
      1. Storms attempt to separate you from God's love. However, use them as a vehicle to draw you closer to God.
      2. Even in the midst of a storm, you are more than a conqueror.
        1. Allow your will to die, so God's will for your life can stand.
      3. Develop the mentality of a conqueror by having confidence in God's love for you.

Scripture References:

  • Matthew 7:24-29
  • Matthew 5:43-48
  • Psalm 41:5-13
  • Luke 21:10-19
  • Isaiah 4:6
  • Psalm 107:20-29
  • Mark 4:35-41
  • Psalm 148:7, 8
  • Romans 8:35-39

Contact Us:

Pr Bagonza Robert - +256772680676;
Office line - +256485433443

PO BOX 1920,
Mbarara, Uganda, East Africa.
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