Posted by Robert Bagonza on Friday, September 24, 2010
Everyone goes through trials and tribulations; however, those who remain
steadfast in God's Word have the advantage of patiently enduring
knowing that God gives them victory every time.
- Know what to do when the storms (trials and tribulations) comes.
- Christians must know how to stand against the storms of life (Matthew 7:24-29).
- Remain steadfast in the Word when the trials of life come your way.
- Just because you're going through a difficult time doesn't release you from God's commandment to love others (Matthew 5:43-48).
- God is our rock; continue to assemble with other Believers. (Come to church.)
- Hear and do the Word.
- Without God's Word, you'll be defeated.
- Christians should mature during the storms of life, because they know God's got their back.
- When the pressure is on, it reveals the real you.
- When you're squeezed, the Word should come out.
- Part of maturing as a Christian is implementing what you've learned.
- Remain steadfast in the Word when the trials of life come your way.
- When life gets rough, recognize that God's favor is always working (Psalm 41:5-13).
- Don't get offended with God. Doing so limits His ability to get involved in your situation.
- Refuse to allow your emotions to move you.
- Be convinced that God's Word is true. (The enemy will not triumph in your
life.) iii. God will uphold your integrity. Integrity is what leads you
to victory.
- Tough times become testimonies; your victory will encourage others (Luke 21:10-19).
- God's given you a mouth and His Word. Speak His Word only.
- God promised not one hair on your head will perish.
- Don't get offended with God. Doing so limits His ability to get involved in your situation.
- Christians must know how to stand against the storms of life (Matthew 7:24-29).
- God's tabernacle is your place of protection (Isaiah 4:6).
- In the presence of God, you'll develop a different perspective concerning your storms (Psalm 107:20-29).
- In the presence of God, you'll:
- rise above your problems
- hear from God
- get your emotions under control
- receive direction.
- God will bring you out of your distress.
- In the presence of God, you'll:
- Even when you're instructed by God to do something, storms will arise (Mark 4:35-41).
- Learn a lesson from the disciples: when a storm comes and you don't know what to do do, run to Jesus!
- Make wise decisions during difficult times.
- Because Jesus knew the power of His Word, He spoke to the storm, and there was a great calm.
- In the presence of God, you'll develop a different perspective concerning your storms (Psalm 107:20-29).
- In the midst of a storm, speak the Word of God (Psalm 148:7, 8).
- Meditate on the fact that nothing can separate you from the love of God (Romans 8:35-39).
- Storms attempt to separate you from God's love. However, use them as a vehicle to draw you closer to God.
- Even in the midst of a storm, you are more than a conqueror.
- Allow your will to die, so God's will for your life can stand.
- Develop the mentality of a conqueror by having confidence in God's love for you.
- Meditate on the fact that nothing can separate you from the love of God (Romans 8:35-39).
Scripture References:
- Matthew 7:24-29
- Matthew 5:43-48
- Psalm 41:5-13
- Luke 21:10-19
- Isaiah 4:6
- Psalm 107:20-29
- Mark 4:35-41
- Psalm 148:7, 8
- Romans 8:35-39
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