Posted by Robert Bagonza on Sunday, September 26, 2010
Planting the seed of the Word of God in your heart is like planting a seed for a
certain harvest. When the seed is planted into your heart, Satan
attempts to steal it immediately. He brings trials and challenges to
tempt you to reason and doubt. Prevent crop failure by keeping the Word
of God in your heart, despite persecution.
- When the seed of God's Word was planted into Abraham's heart, what caused him to have a crop failure?
- Satan persecuted him and the Word seed was choked out (Mark 4:14-25).
- If Believers become anxious and begin to doubt when trials, challenges and obstacles come, the results can be a crop failure.
- Satan immediately brings persecution by causing Christians to doubt and reason, therefore the Word of God is choked out.
- Abraham began to doubt and reason God's promise, and as a result he had a child with his wife's handmaid.
- When you plant the Word in your heart, you immediately become a threat to the kingdom of darkness.
- Heavy duty persecution is a sign that you are a major threat to Satan.
- If Believers become anxious and begin to doubt when trials, challenges and obstacles come, the results can be a crop failure.
- What will you do to protect the Word of God seed planted in your heart?
- Recognize when Satan is tempting you to choke out the Word.
- Sometimes Satan brings a situation that causes you to doubt and question God.
- There are times he uses a subtle set of questions against God.
- This is what happened in the Garden of Eden; Satan caused Eve to doubt.
- He attempted to cause Jesus to question and doubt when he tempted Him in the wilderness.
- Jesus passed the test because He knew who He was and what He had come to do.
- It's critical that we know who we are, or we may fall prey to questioning.
- There is a difference between a legitimate question and questioning.
- For example, when he was in jail, John questioned Jesus because he was offended.
- He became offended and doubtful, and afterward he was beheaded.
- The weapon you need against the kingdom of darkness is the Word of God.
- Satan persecuted him and the Word seed was choked out (Mark 4:14-25).
- Are you still waiting for a harvest? Consider whether the Word has been choked out of you.
- Many Christians fall into the category of those who receive the Word with gladness (Mark 4:17).
- When they hear the Word, they get excited; when it seems as though nothing is happening, they take offense against the Word.
- Often they take offense against the person preaching the Word.
- If you find that you're offended at God's Word, seek God and allow Him to show you what's wrong. Then make the correction.
- Paul said his strength was made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9, 10).
- Refuse to allow your faith to be smothered.
- Don't let go of the Word that has been planted in your heart.
- The cares of the world are too much for you to handle.
- Cast all your care (anxiety and worry) on Jesus.
- Many Christians fall into the category of those who receive the Word with gladness (Mark 4:17).
Scripture References:
- Mark 4:14-25
- 2 Corinthians 12:9, 10
Redeemed Church