Posted by Robert Bagonza on Sunday, September 19, 2010
Faith is the currency needed to see results in the Kingdom of God. In the midst of trials, do not allow your emotions to rule. Instead, fight the good fight of faith. Stand on the Word of God and make it your final authority. Guard your heart and do not allow fear from the world to dominate your thinking.
- The enemy will try to move you from your faith stance.
- There are two kinds of truth.
- Truth from the Word.
- Truth from our five physical senses.
- We should not base our decisions on our five senses.
- We are to live by the truth of the Word of God, not our feelings.
- The Word must become our final authority.
- There are two kinds of truth.
- We have the victory that overcomes the world (1 John 5:4).
- The world is a system of operation that opposes the Word of God.
- Though we are in the world, we are not of the world.
- The world system operates by fear and is governed by Satan.
- The Kingdom of God is based on love and faith.
- Everything in the Kingdom of God operates by faith.
- The world is a system of operation that opposes the Word of God.
- Fight the good fight of faith (1 Timothy 6:12).
- When you have a problem, find scriptures that deal with your particular situation.
- Resist anything that challenges the Word you are planting in your heart.
- Profess what you believe by confessing the Word of God over your situations and circumstances.
- When the pressure is on, make sure the Word comes out of you.
- The pressures of the world are opportunities to develop spiritually.
- The pressures of the world are opportunities to develop spiritually.
- When you have a problem, find scriptures that deal with your particular situation.
- Jesus said faith is like a seed (Luke 17:5, 6).
- Plant the Word-seed in your heart.
- Your heart will grow whatever seed is planted there.
- Faith is planted in your heart through the following gates:
- Your eye gate; what you are watching or seeing.
- Your ear gate; what you are hearing.
- Your mouth gate; what you are saying.
- Refuse to allow circumstances to determine whether you sow seed in the Kingdom of God.
- If you wait until conditions are favorable you will never sow (Ecclesiastes 11:4, AMP)
- Tithing connects you to the covenant promises of God.
- Plant the Word-seed in your heart.
- The just shall live by faith (Habakkuk 2:4, Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11, Hebrews 10:38).
- Faith is the currency for kingdom results.
- Stay in faith and do not allow the world to dictate to you what you should do about your situation.
- Faith comes by hearing the Word of God on a continual basis.
- When you sin, you have a right to receive forgiveness because of Jesus.
- Jesus makes us right with God after we sin, not our works.
- Faith is not only believing but also acting on what you believe.
- Faith is a practical expression of the confidence you have in God and His Word.
- Real Bible faith is faith in the love of God; know that God loves you.
- Faith for breakthrough will only begin when you get a Word from God specifically for you.
- Faith is the currency for kingdom results.
Scripture References:
- 1 John 5:4
- 1Timothy 6:12
- Ecclesiastes 11:4, AMP
- Habakkuk 2:4
- Galatians 3:11
- Hebrews 10:38
- Romans 1:17
- Luke 17:5, 6