Posted by Robert Bagonza on Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Faith is the prescribed way of life for those who are a part of the kingdom of God. While everything in the kingdom of
God is powered by love, you can't obtain the promises of God without
- If you are a part of the Kingdom of God, then your lifestyle is faith (Habakkuk 2:4; Hebrews 10:38).
- Those who have been declared righteous live by faith; faith leads to more faith (Romans 1:17).
- You can't obtain the promises of God except through faith (Hebrews 11:32-35).
- It takes faith to get results from the Word.
- Faith is the Word of God.
- Faith is expecting something based on the right information—the Word of God.
- Faith is not just believing; it is believing combined with a specific Word you received from God's Word.
- Belief is a part of faith, but it is not the whole part.
- Faith is a practical expression of confidence in God and His Word.
- Your reward is in your confidence (Hebrews 10:35-36).
- Satan is going to try to attack your confidence.
- Every time people in the Bible got results, it was preceded by confidence.
- Confidence has to be developed.
- You have to intentionally set yourself to be confident.
- The devil will come immediately when you take a confident stance.
- Confidence is part of the conceiving phase of your faith.
- You can't give birth to something you have not first become pregnant with.
- When you throw away your confidence, you throw away your reward.
- Faith believes even when you can't see any evidence in the natural.
- Faith doesn't need the support of sensory mechanisms in order for you to believe.
- Fear is believing that what God said won't come to pass.
- Meditate the Word of God so that you can be successful in life.
- To meditate is to mutter, ponder, speak and think about a scripture until you get revelation from it.
- To meditate is to mutter, ponder, speak and think about a scripture until you get revelation from it.
- Faith and patience work hand in hand to bring about manifestation.
- Patience doesn't mean to tolerate. It is remaining consistently, constantly the same no matter what the circumstances may be.
- Maintain your stance when trials come.
- Nothing in the natural realm should change your confidence.
- Don't get weak and give up.
- At the end of your faith you will receive manifestation.
- When you see the manifestation of what you have been releasing your faith for, you don't need faith for it any more.
Scripture References:
- Habakkuk 2:4
- Romans 1:17
- Hebrews 10:38
- Hebrews 11: 32-35
- Hebrews 10:35-36
Redeemed Church