Posted by Robert Bagonza on Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Faith can be used by any Christian who puts his or her trust in Jesus. The person who diligently seeks God and His
promises will experience the reward of revelation knowledge that comes
from heaven. Faith is a practical expression of your developed
confidence in God and His ability to reward you, and in the
seed-producing ability of His Word to bring forth a harvest in your
- God is not a respecter of persons. Faith is available to everyone.
- Anyone can use faith for whatever they need, as long as it is within the boundaries of God's will and His Word (Mark 11:23).
- Those who hear the Word of God preached can also use faith (Hebrews 4:2).
- The Word must be combined with faith in order to be effective.
- Faith is a shield that can quench all the fiery darts of Satan (Ephesians 6:16).
- Hold the shield of faith up in the face of whatever the devil throws at you.
- You hold up the shield of faith by standing on what God has said in His
Word and speaking the Word in the face of challenging situations and
- You hold up the shield of faith by standing on what God has said in His
Word and speaking the Word in the face of challenging situations and
- The shield of faith will always quench Satan's darts.
- Hold the shield of faith up in the face of whatever the devil throws at you.
- The brethren are qualified to use faith (Ephesians 6:23).
- God is as free with faith as He is with love.
- God is not a respecter of persons, but He is a respecter of faith.
- Your ability to walk by faith is not based on your good "works", or some
special ability or anointing. It is based on your trust and confidence
in God, His Word and the name of Jesus.- Faith is not limited to those called to the ministry.
- God was able to heal the lame man through Peter and John because the man
released His faith in the name of Jesus (Acts 3:12, 16). He connected
with the anointing on Peter and John because of his faith.
- When you walk by faith, you please God (Hebrews 11:6).
- Jesus walked in perfect faith and pleased the Father.
- God is a rewarder.
- God will reward you when you diligently seek Him.
- Rewards are earned.
- To diligently seek God is to research Him intensely through His Word.
- Consistent meditation, prayer and confession of the Word in the face of opposition is the method by which we diligently seek Him.
- God will give you more than what you expect when you diligently seek Him.
- Be more diligent about seeking Him than being busily involved in church related activities.
- The diligent seeker will receive a hundredfold return from God.
- The person who diligently seeks God will receive revelation knowledge of His Word.
- Faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of the things you can't see (Hebrews 11:1).
- Faith is the "title deed", confirmation and proof of what you are believing God to do in your life.
- The faith of God is a combination of the promises of God and your confidence in them.
- Faith is a practical expression of your developed confidence in God and His
ability to reward you. It is also having confidence in His Word and its
seed-producing ability to bring forth a harvest in your life.- Confidence must be developed.
Scripture References:
- Mark 11:23
- Hebrews 4:2
- Ephesians 6:16, 23
- Acts 3:12, 16
- Hebrews 11:1, 6
Pastor Robert Bagonza
Redeemed Church