Posted by Robert Bagonza on Thursday, September 23, 2010
Developing Trust in God
As Believers, we must learn what it means to really trust and rely on our
Heavenly Father. Quite a number of people believe God, but very few
actually trust Him. To trust God means to be dependent on Him and no
one else.
- Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed are those who put their complete trust in Him (Jeremiah 17:7, Psalm 34:8, 22, AMP).
- Trusting is the highway to continuous victory in our lives.
- Jesus told us not to worry. The only way not to worry is to trust God (Matthew 6:31, AMP).
- To be blessed is to be empowered to prosper; to be cursed is to be empowered to fail.
- Cursed is the person who trusts man (Jeremiah 17:5, AMP).
- Trusting in man more than God is to betray Him (Job 31:24).
- Ask yourself, have I been trusting God or man?
- Trusting is the highway to continuous victory in our lives.
- When we guide our affairs with integrity and keep our hearts fixed on the Lord, our blessings are guaranteed (Psalm 112:1-7).
- When we trust in God, we cannot be moved by situations and circumstances (Psalm 125:1-3).
- Those who trust in money will fall (Proverbs 11:28).
- The rich young ruler trusted in his riches more than he trusted Jesus (Mark 10:17-24).
- A wrong relationship with money is the root of all evil (1 Timothy 6:10, 17).
- Riches are uncertain. Our trust should only be in God.
- An idol is anything we substitute for God.
- When we trust in God, we cannot be moved by situations and circumstances (Psalm 125:1-3).
Scripture References:
- Jeremiah 17:7
- Psalm 34:8, 22, AMP
- Matthew 6:31, AMP
- Jeremiah 17:5, AMP
- Job 31:24 \ Psalm 112:1-7
- Psalm 125:1-3
- Proverbs 11:28
- Mark 10:17-24
- 1Timothy 6:10, 1