
Change is a process, not an event. We must implement change on a daily basis in order to see results. The Holy Spirit will help us change, but we

must do our part. It is your responsibility to present your body as a
living sacrifice to God. Real change allows you to be a witness to
others of God’s goodness.

  1. Change comes by renewing your mind (Romans 12:1, 2).
    1. True holiness is being of one mind with God, and being in agreement with Him.
    2. Your mindset determines the type of life you live.
    3. Renewing your mind helps you renew your spirit, body and every area of your life.
    4. Mind renewal is a constant, ongoing process.
    5. Have a fresh mental and spiritual attitude.
      1. Stubbornness, pride and arrogance will stop the process of change.
    6. Put on new thinking and put off your old ways.
    7. Your mind is the control center for your life. Your body only does what your mind tells it to do.
    8. Plant the Word of God in your heart.
      1. Internal change begins with changing your mindset.
        1. We must be holy in our thought life.
    9. We must make changes when necessary.
    10. When you change, you will begin living a more fruitful life.

  2. Make positive changes by creating an environment for change.
    1. Ask yourself how you are creating positive change in your environment.
    2. Create positive changes by looking at your situations and relationships and ask yourself how you can bring glory to God through them.
      1. The glory of God can be manifested in your life when you change.
    3. Put off your former, unrenewed nature (Ephesians 4:22-24).
      1. The old man was conformed to the world's way of doing things, but God wants you to abandon your old lifestyle.
      2. When you get saved, the old man passes away and all things become new.
    4. Take responsibility for your life.
      1. You are responsible for your words, thoughts and actions.
      2. Determine if you've been tolerating things in your life that shouldn't be there.
      3. Make a decision to do your part.

  3. Change takes place when you allow God to change you, while you do your part.
    1. Any person who is engrafted in Christ is a new creation-a totally different specie of being that has never existed before (2 Corinthians 5:17).
    2. God wants transformation to continue even after you become born again.
      1. Transformation is a metamorphosis, or a process of undergoing change.
      2. For example: A caterpillar transforms into a butterfly.
    3. Some people change when they see the light, others change when they feel the heat.
      1. The Apostle Paul had an encounter with God that changed his life forever.
      2. Because he saw the light, his life was changed.
      3. When you encounter the presence of God, you will change.
      4. Allow the presence of God to change you, not pressure, tests and affliction.
      5. Bad decisions will get you in situations God never orchestrated.

Scripture References:
  • Romans 12:1, 2
  • Ephesians 4:22-24
  • 2 Corinthians 5:17
Pastor Robert Bagonza
Redeemed Church