Posted by Robert Bagonza on Tuesday, September 28, 2010
God’s Word is the origin of all things; He spoke, His glory was manifested in the earth. The Garden of Eden was a place where God’s glory resided and was the pattern for how God wants people
to live today. When Adam turned his authority over to Satan in the
garden, God enforced a new plan to get His glory back in the earth.
Through Jesus, He restored mankind and opened the door for His glory to
spread all over the earth again.
- God’s Word is the origin of all things.
- In the beginning, God spoke His Word and everything that ever existed came into being (John 1:1-5).
- When God said, “Let there be light,” He was essentially saying, “Let there be glory manifested on the earth.”
- God created man as another speaking spirit, who had dominion and authority
in the earth. He charged man to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis
1:26-28; Genesis 2:7). - Every time you speak, you breathe life into your situations and circumstances.
- Anything you do or start that is not based on the Word of God will not last.
- The Word will put you on the path to experiencing God’s glory.
- In the beginning, God spoke His Word and everything that ever existed came into being (John 1:1-5).
- God intended for His glory to be manifested and spread all over the earth, starting with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
- God planted a garden that would have an unending supply for mankind. It
would allow man to experience abundant life in every aspect.
- Man lacked nothing in the Garden of Eden.
- The Garden of Eden was a place where God’s glory was fully manifested.
- God’s glory is His manifested Word.
- Answered prayer, wealth, health, deliverance and every other promise of God, when manifested and seen, is His glory.
- God’s glory is His manifested Word.
- The Garden of Eden is the pattern of how God wants life to be.
- God planted a garden that would have an unending supply for mankind. It
would allow man to experience abundant life in every aspect.
- When Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden, the blessing was blocked.
- Adam received Satan’s words, which caused his thinking to go in the wrong
direction and moved him to make an emotional decision that opposed what
God had told him.- Adam ate the fruit and sin entered the earth.
- Through his sin, Adam blocked his blessing and lost the glory.
- Sin is a blessing-blocker.
- When the blessing is blocked in your life, manifestation stops.
- God wants to bless you, but He can’t until you remove the blessing-blockers in your life.
- If you are not getting results in your life, you could be operating under the curse.
- The curse doesn’t come without a cause.
- Locate the blessing-blockers in your life and remove them.
- God had to get His glory back in the earth.
- God chose Abraham, with whom He cut a covenant, in order to get His Word in the earth and restore the glory to mankind.
- Abraham was blessed as a result of his covenant with God
- Abraham had evidence of the glory on his life—he was extremely wealthy.
- The blessing can never remain in the hands of a selfish, manipulative or greedy person.
- You can only operate in the blessing by operating in the love of God.
- Adam received Satan’s words, which caused his thinking to go in the wrong
direction and moved him to make an emotional decision that opposed what
- Jesus redeemed mankind from the curse and restored the blessing that Adam lost in the Garden of Eden (Galatians 3:13, 14).
- Dominion and authority had to be given back to Jesus because He defeated Satan.
- Jesus successfully resisted Satan in the Garden of Gethsemane.
- Jesus became the last Adam because where Adam failed, Jesus succeeded.
- Jesus didn’t receive Satan’s words in the Garden of Gethsemane.
- Even when you are under pressure, when the blessing is on your life, it will keep you protected in the midst of pressure.
- The blessing is the anointing, which removes burdens and destroys yokes.
- As a Believer, you have knowledge about the glory of God inside of you (2 Corinthians 4:3-7).
- The treasure is the knowledge of the glory of God.
Scripture References:
- John 1:15
- Genesis 1:26-28
- Genesis 2:7
- Galatians 3:13, 14
- 2 Corinthians 4:3-7
- Dominion and authority had to be given back to Jesus because He defeated Satan.
Redeemed Church