
Do you know what it means to trust God? Having trust in God requires a commitment to maintain complete confidence in Him and His Word despite

circumstances, emotions, or your current situation. When a problem
steals your peace, it is apparent you are not trusting God.

  1. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean to your own insight or understanding (Proverbs 3:5).
    1. Belief in God is not the same thing as trust.
      1. To trust God means you rely on Him.
      2. When you trust God, you've made a commitment to lean on Him despite what it looks like.
      3. Frustration is an indicator that you are not trusting God.
      4. Many of the great miracles in the Bible came as a result of people relying on God.
      5. When you get to a place in your life where you know everything is going to be alright, you are trusting God.
      6. When you trust God, you will have peace.
    2. Pride is the greatest enemy to your trust in God.
      1. When you are prideful, you rely on your abilities and your plans-until your plans fail.
      2. Wisdom is not your intellect; it is the Word of God.
      3. When you trust God fully, you rely on Him and no one else, not even yourself.

  2. When you trust in the Lord you are empowered to prosper (Jeremiah 17:7).
    1. When you decide to put your trust in God, you will receive a supernatural empowerment to succeed.
      1. No one can empower you like God.
      2. God can handle your problems far better than any person.
      3. You can get much more accomplished in life when you trust God.
    2. How do you make sure your confidence is in God?
      1. Don't take credit for anything. Every good gift comes from God.
      2. When you trust God, He accomplishes great things in your life. Therefore, you will have a testimony.
      3. Your testimony will build your confidence in Him. Then, when you are faced with a similar situation, you can remember God's great provision.

  3. Blessed is the man that trusts in God (Psalm 34:8).
    1. God will be your refuge in a time of trouble.
      1. You can be tormented by negative emotions (fear, grief, depression) or you can take refuge in Him.
      2. Position yourself in the secret place by meditating on the Word and praying.
      3. Find value in the presence of the Lord. You will not be condemned or held guilty.

  4. Cursed (empowered to fail) is the man who trusts in man (Jeremiah 17:5).
    1. Who or what is it that you trust more than God? It will cause you to fail.
      1. Faith is a practical expression of the confidence you have in God and His Word.
      2. Trust is a practical expression of the commitment you have to God and His Word.
      3. The most sure things are God and His Word.
      4. You may not know how God is going to solve your problem; just know that He will do it His way.
      5. You have to be committed to trusting God to the point where you will say, "Even if my prayers aren't answered the way I would like, I will
        continue to trust God."

Scripture References:
  • Proverbs 3:5
  • Jeremiah 17:7, AMP
  • Psalm 34:8
  • Jeremiah 17:5, AMP
Pastor Robert Bagonza
Redeemed Church