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Street Kids is a front line ministry of MROLEC dedicated to helping meet the physical and spiritual needs of the poor including street kids, orphans, and widows.

Our goal is to touch people with the love of God, in words and actions. By focusing on street kids we know that we can have an impact on a whole neighborhood. We strengthen and restore families whenever possible.

Our mission is to continue Jesus' mission as stated in Luke 4:18.

  • To preach the gospel to the poor
  • To rehabilitate, mould, narture and incalcate moral values into these morally degenerated children, they they may aquire knowledge,skills, and attitude that can help them to suit and live in their environment.
  • To heal the brokenhearted;
  • Proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind;
  • To set at liberty those who are oppressed

MROLEC has a vision to develop a camp for street kids, orphans, and kids living in desperate poverty of the Ugandans.

We believe that God desires to raise up an army of children from the despair of city streets in every nation and they shall go forth proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. They are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, God's own special people, that they may proclaim the praises of Him who called them out of darkness into His marvelous light. For our God is a Father to the fatherless.

With your help we can reach more street kids with the love of Jesus. We invite you to join with us and Be-A-Part of MROLEC STREET KIDS PROJECT.

Jesus says,

"Send the children unto me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." (Matthew 19:14)




1. High number of street kids all over town centers, and the number increases day by day. We have started reaching out to the newly married couples to sensitize them on child upbringing. This is due to the fact that most of these street kids we have rescued from their street life have opened up to us to let us know that most of them ran from their homes due to mistreatment of some of their parents.

2. Polygamy is a wicked African culture that has also contributed to the influx in the number of street kids in developing town centers and cities in Uganda and Africa at large. Due to polygamy, some men cannot treat their wives and children equally; some of these children are deprived of the basic requirements of life at the expense of their half brothers or sisters. Dissatisfied, they run to the streets.

3. AIDS has also contributed over 60% of the number of the street kids we have in this area. Some times children loose both parents at a very tender age, due to love of free property relatives grab the deceased’s properties and ignore the poor children. Rejected and feeling unloved and unwanted, children will take to the streets to begin a new life.

4. Lack of enough facilitation. We need ....